21st Century Britain: Moral Sources for the Civic Good

Activity: OtherTypes of Public engagement and outreach - Work on advisory panels for social community and cultural engagement


Collaboration between the Temple and the Departments of Law and of Theology, King’s College, London. To take up the challenge laid down by the Woolf Commission, Living with Difference, 2015: ‘A national conversation should be launched across the UK by leaders of faith communities and opinion leaders in other ethical traditions to create a shared understanding of the fundamental values underlying public life. It would take place at all levels and in all regions. The outcome might well be, within the tradition of Magna Carta and other such declarations of rights over the centuries, a statement of principles to guide the development and evaluation of policies relating to the common good.’ Joint Principal Investigators: Robin Griffith-Jones, Prof Maleiha Malik, Dr Dan DeHanas
Event title21st Century Britain: Moral Sources for the Civic Good
Event typeConference