Guest Speaker in the London Migration Film Festival: Eat Bitter + Q&A

Activity: OtherTypes of External academic engagement - Invited talk


About Eat Bitter:

Against the backdrop of civil war in the Central African Republic, Luan, a Chinese construction manager and Thomas, a local sand fisherman, work on opposite ends of the spectrum to construct a sparkling new bank. As deadlines loom, unexpected twists threaten their jobs, relationships, and plans for a better life.

Presented in collaboration with SOAS Centre for Migration & Diaspora Studies

Dir: Pascale Appora Gnekindy & Ningyi Sun

Length: 1h 35m

London Migration Film Festival is an annual film festival that has been running since 2016. The aim of the festival is to challenge the narrow rhetoric on migration that often sees migration, and people on the move, framed in reductive and dehumanising binaries. The festival is taking place from 22-29 November 2023.

Period24 Nov 2023
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • Migration
  • Film
  • Festival
  • Africa
  • China