Projects per year
- 38 Finished
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Future Inventors
King, H., Rushton, E., Aston, K., Healy, L., Glackin, M. & Hadwen-Bennett, A.
4/06/2019 → 3/02/2022
Project: Research
Using examination questions to assess practical skills in science
1/01/2018 → 28/08/2021
Project: Research
Learning Computing with Torino: a physical programming language inclusive of children with visual disabilities
1/09/2017 → 31/08/2021
Project: Research
Understanding Environmental Education in Secondary Schools: Where is it, what is it and what should the future be?
30/03/2017 → 30/09/2018
Project: Research
STEMINO - Raising interest in STEM careers through innovative practices in teaching and learning computational thinking
1/06/2016 → 31/05/2019
Project: Research
Enhancing cognitive development through haptic and 3-D printing technologies
1/01/2014 → 31/12/2016
Project: Research
Enhancing quality, access and governance ofundergraduate education in India.
Hatzipanagos, S., Barrett, I., Khan, E., Russell, M., San Diego, J. & Webb, M.
23/05/2013 → 22/05/2017
Project: Research
Relating Research to Practice: a web resource for ISE professionals
NSF National Science Foundation
1/01/2013 → 30/09/2015
Project: Research
ASSIST-ME - ASSess Inquiry in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education
1/01/2013 → 31/12/2016
Project: Research
SAILS - Strategies for Assessment of Inquiry-based Learning in Science
1/01/2012 → 31/12/2015
Project: Research
Understanding science teachers' and lecturers' professional knowledge in ICT-rich learning environments
Cox, M., Webb, M., Eickelmann, B. & Voogt, J. M.
1/11/2011 → 31/10/2014
Project: Research
Researching the impact of Kew's educational and scientific offerings on visitors
1/10/2011 → 30/09/2014
Project: Research
Consumer perceptions and attitudes towards EDCS and PPCPS in drinking water
1/11/2010 → 31/07/2013
Project: Research
Relating research to practice in informal learning environments
Dillon, J., King, H. & Regan, E.
NSF National Science Foundation
15/08/2010 → 31/07/2011
Project: Research
The impact of young people's digital repertoires and use on their learning experiences in school and leisure activities
Webb, M., Cox, M. & Stevenson, I.
1/04/2009 → 31/03/2012
Project: Research
Lived experience, metaphor and multimodality: implications in communication, education, learning and knowledge
10/10/2008 → 12/10/2008
Project: Research
MyLearning-OurSpace: Virtual Collaborations and digital assistance for GCSE mathematics and Science.
1/10/2008 → 30/09/2010
Project: Research
MyLearning-OurSpace: Virtual Collaborations and digital assistance for GCSE mathematics and science.
1/10/2008 → 30/09/2010
Project: Research
Border Crossings
Dillon, J., Glackin, M., Kanes, C. & Manning, A.
AstraZeneca Science Teaching Trust
1/10/2008 → 30/09/2009
Project: Research
The impact of language and cognition on compliance during a natural disaster.
1/09/2008 → 30/09/2010
Project: Research
The impact of cognition on compliance during a natural disaster
1/09/2008 → 30/06/2010
Project: Research
Learning value and skill enhancement of gaming
Cox, M., Stevenson, I., Webb, M., Abbott, C., Evagorou, M. & academic, A.
1/09/2008 → 28/02/2009
Project: Research
The impact of cognitive acceleration on science teaching and learning at KS4 and its effect on choice for post 16 study
Adey, P., Harrison, C. & academic, A.
1/01/2008 → 31/12/2012
Project: Research
Thinking beyond the urban classroom
Dillon, J., Glackin, M., Harrison, C., Lindsay, N. S., Tilling, S. & academic, A.
AstraZeneca Science Teaching Trust
1/09/2007 → 31/08/2008
Project: Research
Summative assessment by teachers at Key Stage 3
Harrison, C., Hodgen, J. & Marshall, B.
DfES Department for Education and Skills
1/01/2005 → 30/04/2006
Project: Research
Jersey Formative Assessment Project
Harrison, C., Brandom, A., Hodgen, J., Jones, J. & Marshall, B.
State of Jersey Department for Education, Sports and Culture
1/09/2004 → 31/08/2014
Project: Research
Accomplished Science Teaching CPD Project (SEP programme)
Duschl, R., Harrison, C., Osborne, J., Watson, J. & academic, A.
1/02/2003 → 14/02/2006
Project: Research