Student theses
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Developing a psychoeducational intervention to support patients undergoing screening and/or predictive genetic testing for inherited cardiac conditions (the PISICC study)
Bueser, T. (Author), Metcalfe, A. (Supervisor), Patch, C. (Supervisor), Rowland, E. (Supervisor) & Czuber-Dochan, W. (Supervisor), 1 Mar 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Developing an understanding of brief intervention opportunities to support people in emergency care settings, in order to prevent subsequent severe hypoglycaemic events
Keller-Senn, A. (Author), Sturt, J. (Supervisor), Lee, G. (Supervisor) & Imhof, L. (Supervisor), 1 Feb 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Developing and preliminary feasibility testing of an integrated primary palliative care intervention for people with a serious illness and their families in Nigeria
Afolabi, O. (Author), Murtagh, F. F. (Supervisor), Maddocks, M. T. (Supervisor), Nkhoma, K. B. (Supervisor) & Harding-Swale, R. (Supervisor), 1 Dec 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Developing and piloting an intervention for the management of inflammatory bowel disease-fatigue
Artom, M. (Author), Norton, C. (Supervisor), Czuber-Dochan, W. J. (Supervisor) & Sturt, J. A. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Developing and feasibility testing a self-management intervention for chronic pain in inflammatory bowel disease
Sweeney, L. (Author), Norton, C. (Supervisor), Czuber-Dochan, W. (Supervisor) & Moss-Morris, R. (Supervisor), 1 Apr 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Determinants of emergency department attendance among people with dementia approaching the end of life.
Williamson, L. (Author), Sleeman, K. (Supervisor) & Evans, C. (Supervisor), 1 Sept 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Detection of Swallowing Events to Quantify Fluid Intake in Older Adults Based on Wearable Sensors
Malvuccio, C. (Author), Kamavuako, E. (Supervisor) & Harris, R. (Supervisor), 1 Mar 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Course and non-pharmacological management of breathlessness in advanced disease : a comparison between cancer and COPD
Bausewein, C. (Author) & Bausewein, C. (Author), Higginson, I. J. (Supervisor) & Gysels, M. H. (Supervisor), 2009Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
Conversations on Living and Dying: Facilitating advance care planning with older people living with frailty: Developing and refining an intervention
Combes, S. (Author), Norton, C. S. (Supervisor), Gillett, K. L. (Supervisor) & Nicholson, C. J. (Supervisor), 1 Mar 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Compassionate care in the acute mental health setting: its link with the therapeutic relationship
Swanzy-Derben, K. (Author), Maben, J. (Supervisor) & Moore, J. (Supervisor), 1 May 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Healthcare
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Combining motivational and volitional interventions to promote physical activity and fruit & vegetable intake: a single blind randomised controlled trial with Spanish university students
La Rosa Salas, V. (Author), Norman, I. J. (Supervisor) & Fitzpatrick, J. (Supervisor), 1 Oct 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Co-design and feasibility testing of a group-based pelvic floor muscle training programme for antenatal women in Nanjing City in China
Yang, X. (Author), Woodward, S. (Supervisor), Sayer, L. (Supervisor) & Bassett, S. (Supervisor), 1 Jun 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Case Study Exploring Perceptions Of Outcomes of Learning From Post-Graduate Advanced Practice Education Programmes And Their Transfer To Practice
Bridges, L. A. L. (Author), Cornish, J. C. (Supervisor), 2015Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Healthcare
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Care for the baby in the first two days after birth in high stillbirth and newborn mortality settings: coverage, quality, and measurement
Peven, K. (Author), Bick, D. (Supervisor), Taylor, C. (Supervisor), Purssell, E. (Supervisor), Day, L. T. (Supervisor) & Sandall, J. (Supervisor), 1 Jan 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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British planning and preparations to resist invasion on land, September 1939 - September 1940.
Newbold, D. J. (Author), 1988Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Breathlessness in patients with advanced disease: the experiences of caregivers
Malik, F. (Author), Higginson, I. J. (Supervisor) & Gysels, M. H. (Supervisor), 2011Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
Beyond the script: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of autobographical identities within pedagogies of change.
Maynard, E. (Author), 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctorate in Education
Becoming a medical educator: Understanding a complex professional identity
Horsburgh, J. (Author), Cribb, A. (Supervisor) & Donetto, S. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A study to investigate the use and experiences of general practitioners of the palliative care services in the Bromley PCT
Bajwah, S. (Author), Higginson, I. J. (Supervisor) & Koffman, J. S. (Supervisor), 2011Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
A study of the views and experiences of nursing staff in relation to violence in mental health care settings
Robinson, S. C. (Author), 2004Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A study of factors explaining blood glucose control in patients with insulin-treated type 2 diabetes
Ellis, K. E. (Author), Forbes, A. (Supervisor), Winkley, K. (Supervisor) & Mulnier, H. (Supervisor), 1 Jan 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Association between mode of birth, staffing and structural characteristics in NHS trusts with maternity services in England (2010/11)
Gerova, V. N. (Author), Bick, D. E. (Supervisor), Griffiths, P. D. (Supervisor) & Cookson, G. (Supervisor), 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Assessment of functional improvement in the hemiparetic arm following focal rehabilitation intervention
Ashford, S. (Author), Turner-Stokes, L. F. (Supervisor) & Slade, M. D. (Supervisor), 1 Jun 2012Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Assessing the psychological effect and acceptability of a first trimester screening test for pre-eclampsia
Harris, J. M. (Author), Michie, S. (Supervisor) & Franck, L. S. (Supervisor), 28 Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
A reflective process for analysing organisational resilience to improve the quality of care
Alders, M. D. L. (Author), Anderson, J. (Supervisor) & Rafferty, A. M. (Supervisor), 1 Jul 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A randomised controlled trial of a specific daily home-based exercise programme in addition to standard self-care measures in the management of breast cancer-related arm lymphoedema : A pilot study
Jeffs, E. (Author), Wiseman, T. (Supervisor), 2011Student thesis: Master's Thesis › Master of Science
A Qualitative Study of Mental Health Nurses’ Experiences of Patient Suicide or Unexpected Death and its Aftermath
Shanley, O. (Author), Wiseman, T. (Supervisor) & Norman, I. J. (Supervisor), 2012Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A qualitative study of factors which influence help seeking by women who develop pre-eclampsia and the response of health care workers.
Carter, W. E. (Author), Sandall, J. (Supervisor), Mackintosh, N. (Supervisor) & Bick, D. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A qualitative exploration of the transmission of knowledge and skills by specialist stoma care nurses to facilitate the needs of patients adapting to a newly formed stoma.
Williams, J. M. (Author), Barriball, K. L. (Supervisor) & Grocott, P. R. (Supervisor), 1 May 2016Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Antenatal predictors of early mother-to- infant bonding failure: A prospective cohort study
Agbagwara-Osuji, B. O. (Author), academic, A. (Supervisor) & Bick, D. E. (Supervisor), 2015Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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An Interpretative Phenomenological Study Exploring the Intimacy and Sexuality Experiences of People Living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Fourie, S. (Author), Norton, C. (Supervisor) & Czuber-Dochan, W. (Supervisor), 1 Mar 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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An exploratory trial exploring the use of a multiple intelligences teaching approach (MITA) for teaching clinical skills to first year undergraduate nursing students.
Sheahan, L. (Author), While, A. E. (Supervisor) & Bloomfield, J. G. (Supervisor), 2013Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Healthcare
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An Exploratory Study of the Registered Nurse’s Role in Health Promotion relating to Cardiovascular Disease in Jordan
El-Hneiti, M. Y. (Author), While, A. E. (Supervisor) & Roberts, J. D. (Supervisor), 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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An exploratory study of older people living alone in Chongming, Shanghai
Chen, Y. (Author), While, A. E. (Supervisor) & Hicks, A. (Supervisor), 2013Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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An exploration of the factors influencing the local implementation of the Care Programme Approach in the provision of mental health services for clients with learning disabilities
Kelly, M. (Author), Humphrey, C. M. (Supervisor), Murray, S. F. (Supervisor) & Young, R. M. (Supervisor), 1 Jun 2012Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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An exploration of specialist palliative care provided in Brunei Darussalam to advanced cancer patients using an embedded multiple qualitative case study design
Haji Husaini, H. A. (Author), Armes, J. (Supervisor) & Gillett, K. (Supervisor), 1 Dec 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
An evaluation of the role of performance feedback to improve the practice of tracheal suctioning amongst health care professionals
Day, T. L. (Author), 2007Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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An evaluation of the palliative management of fungating malignant wounds, within a multiple-case study design
Grocott, P. (Author), Cowley, S. A. (Supervisor), Richardson, A. (Supervisor) & Gilchrist, B. (Supervisor), 2000Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
An evaluation of a short-term group intervention for informal carers of patients attending a home palliative care service
Harding, R. (Author), 2004Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
An ethnography of the decision-making processes that health visitors follow when responding to clients’ problems and issues
Newland, R. (Author), Sayer, L. (Supervisor), Grocott, P. (Supervisor) & Malone, M. (Supervisor), 1 Oct 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A mixed methods evaluation of the effectiveness of a nurse-led palliative care intervention for HIV positive patients on ART in Mombasa, Kenya
Lowther, K. (Author), Harding-Swale, R. (Supervisor), Selman, L. E. (Supervisor) & Higginson, I. J. (Supervisor), 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A framework for process evaluations of psychological interventions
Graves, H. (Author), Ismail, K. (Supervisor) & Winkley, K. (Supervisor), 1 Sept 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A double blind randomised controlled trial of mirtazapine for chronic or refractory breathlessness; how to optimise recruitment, retention and selected outcome measures
Lovell, N. (Author), Higginson, I. (Supervisor), Maddocks, M. (Supervisor) & Bajwah, S. (Supervisor), 1 Jun 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Adapting pulmonary rehabilitation for people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and frailty
Brighton, L. (Author), Maddocks, M. (Supervisor), Evans, C. (Supervisor) & Man, W.D.-C. (Supervisor), 1 Nov 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Adapting antenatal information for women with learning disabilities: an explanatory sequential mixed methods study of midwifery practice
Homeyard, C. E. (Author), Patelarou, E. (Supervisor), Chinn, D. (Supervisor) & Montgomery, E. (Supervisor), 1 Jun 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
Bajwah, S. (Author), Koffman, J. S. (Supervisor) & Higginson, I. J. (Supervisor), 2016Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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A comparison of safety climate between nurses working in different clinical settings.
Tarling, M. M. (Author), Murrells, T. J. (Supervisor) & Jones, C. A. B. (Supervisor), 2016Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
A comparison in the clinical application, patient experience and costs between independent nurse prescribing and patient group directions in sexual health services.
Black, A. W. (Author), Norton, C. (Supervisor) & academic, A. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy