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Alfie Abdul-Rahman
- Informatics - Senior Lecturer in Computer Science
- Human Centred Computing
- Security Hub
Person: Member, Academic
Ruba Abu-Salma
- Informatics - Lecturer in Computer Science (Cyber Security)
- Cybersecurity
- KCL Cybersecurity Centre
- Human Centred Computing
- Cyber Security Research Group
- Security Hub
Person: Member, Academic
Christine Aicardi
- Mental health and society
- Informatics - Responsible Research and Innovation Lead
- Biomedical Engineering Department - Responsible Research and Innovation Lead
- Global Health & Social Medicine - Senior Research Fellow in Science and Technology Studies
Person: Member, Research
Katie Bentley
- Informatics - Senior Lecturer in Computer Science
- Distributed Artificial Intelligence
Person: Member, Academic
Elizabeth Black
- Trusted Autonomous Systems Hub
- Informatics - Professor of Artificial Intelligence
- Reasoning and Planning
Person: Member, Academic
Hana Chockler
- Informatics - Professor of Artificial Intelligence
- Software Systems
- Security Hub
Person: Member, Academic
Andrew Coles
- Planning
- Reasoning and Planning
- Informatics - Reader in Artificial Intelligence
Person: Member, Academic
Kovila Coopamootoo
- Informatics - Lecturer in Computer Science (Cybersecurity)
- Cybersecurity
- KCL Cybersecurity Centre
- Security Hub
Person: Member, Academic
Martim Cristina De Serpa Brandao
- Informatics - Lecturer in Robotics and Autonomous Systems
- Security Hub
Person: Member, Academic