Student theses
- 2,350 - 2,400 out of 7,327 results
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Robust Optimization for Multi-Antenna Downlink Transmission in Cellular Networks
Nasseri, S. (Author), Nakhai, M. R. (Supervisor) & Chu, X. (Supervisor), 2015Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Robust in vivo quantitation of metabolite concentrations using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: A translational approach using clinical and preclinical moderate-to-high-field MRI scanners
Rotaru, D. (Author), Lythgoe, D. J. (Supervisor), Cash, D. (Supervisor) & Edden, R. (Supervisor), 1 Mar 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Robotic Picking of Tangle-prone Materials (with Applications to Agriculture).
Ray, P. (Author), Howard, M. (Supervisor) & Parsons, S. (Supervisor), 1 Aug 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Robotic Granular Jamming
Jiang, A. (Author), Nanayakkara, T. (Supervisor), Althoefer, K. A. (Supervisor) & Dasgupta, P. (Supervisor), 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Roads and the eighteenth-century novel : Turnpikes. new topographies and changing narratives
Ewers, C. D. (Author), Brant, C. V. (Supervisor) & McDonagh, J. (Supervisor), 2012Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Rivers and worth: a study on the political ecology of the energy frontier in south-central Chile
Andueza Justiniano, L. M. (Author), Loftus, A. (Supervisor) & Bryant, R. (Supervisor), 1 Jul 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Gupta, N. (Author), Lorimer, J. (Supervisor), Chadwick, M. (Supervisor) & Drake, N. A. (Supervisor), 2015Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Rivaroxaban for the Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism
Speed, V. (Author), Patel, J. (Supervisor) & Ayra, R. (Supervisor), 1 Mar 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
Ritsos as Reader: the poetics of eclecticism in the mature work of Yannis Ritsos
Kittmer, J. (Author), Ricks, D. (Supervisor) & Beaton, R. (Supervisor), 1 Jun 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
Risk Regulation with Chinese Characteristics : Evidence from Food Safety
Wang, L. (Author), Demeritt, D. (Supervisor) & Rothstein, H. (Supervisor), 1 May 2022Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Risk prediction in rheumatoid arthritis
Scott, I. C. (Author), Lewis, C. M. (Supervisor) & Cope, A. P. (Supervisor), 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Risk perceptions, decision-making and patient safety in the NHS: a qualitative study
Bennett, C. (Author), Lofstedt, R. (Supervisor) & Rothstein, H. (Supervisor), 1 Nov 2019Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Bogdanowicz, K. (Author), Strang, J. S. (Supervisor) & Hayes, R. D. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Risk of acute myocardial infarction and related medical care receipt in people with serious mental illness
Wu, S.-I. (Author), Stewart, R. J. (Supervisor) & Prince, M. J. (Supervisor), 2013Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Risk Managing Food Safety: Comparing the Enforcement of Food Safety Regulation in the UK and Germany
Self, D. J. (Author), Rothstein, H. F. (Supervisor) & Demeritt, D. B. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Brough, H. A. (Author), Turcanu, V. (Supervisor), Perkin, M. R. (Supervisor) & Lack, G. (Supervisor), 2015Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Risk factors for cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis in adolescent Argentinian women with special reference to anorexia nervosa
Matzkin, V. (Author), 2004Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Risk factors associated with Mild Cognitive Impairment in ageing UK Military veterans
Akhanemhe, R. (Author), Greenberg, N. (Supervisor) & Stevelink, S. (Supervisor), 1 Dec 2023Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Risk education in secondary schools: Perspectives, practicalities and pathways forward
Duckett, S. (Author), Lofstedt, R. E. V. (Supervisor) & academic, A. (Supervisor), 1 Dec 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Risk communication, behaviour change and tick-borne disease in the UK
Mowbray, F. M. (Author), Rubin, G. J. (Supervisor) & Amlôt, R. (Supervisor), 2014Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Risk and return in Roman Egypt: were markets in Roman Egypt driven by financial rationality?
Kelly, P. (Author), Rathbone, D. (Supervisor), 1 Mar 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Risk, rhetoric, and response: effective communication with at-risk groups to improve health outcomes during an influenza pandemic
McClelland, E. (Author), Pearce, J. (Supervisor) & Amlot, R. (Supervisor), 1 Feb 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Risk, rationality and misfortune : towards a sociology of accidents.
Green, J. (Author), 1995Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Ripples in the Periphery of the European Jihadi Milieu: Examining Jihadism’s Developmental Trajectory in Finland, 2012–2020
Saarinen, J. (Author), Karagiannis, E. (Supervisor) & Chin, W. (Supervisor), 1 May 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Riots and uprisings: modelling conflict between centralised and decentralised systems
Agamennone, M. (Author), McBurney, P. (Supervisor), 1 Apr 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Richard Sibbes' theology of grace and the division of English reformed theology
Frost, R. N. (Author), 1996Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Rhythm and intonation in free verse form : an assessment of the contributions of phonetics, focus-to-accent theory and literary history to the understanding of nonmetrical poetry, with readings in the work of William Carlos Williams, Allen Ginsberg and Ja
Rumsey, L. M. (Author), 2000Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Rhetorical Leadership in Crisis: A Cross-Cultural Case Study of Nigeria and the United Kingdom
Ogbe, T. (Author), Olonisakin, F. (Supervisor), 1 Jul 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Rex pacificus : studies of royal peacemaking and the image of the peacemaking king in the early medieval West
Kershaw, P. J. E. (Author), 1998Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
Rewriting Formalisms With Binding Support: Comparing Combinatory Reduction Systems and Nominal Rewrite Systems with Atom Substitution
Dominguez Alvarez, J. (Author), Fernandez, M. I. (Supervisor) & Urban, C. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Rewriting Formalisms With Binding Support: Comparing Combinatory Reduction Systems and Nominal Rewrite Systems with Atom Substitution
Dominguez, J. (Author), Fernandez, M. I. (Supervisor) & Urban, C. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
Revolutionary propaganda and possible counter-measures.
Tugwell, M. A. J. (Author), 1979Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Revolutionary Graveyard? The Conduct of Urban Guerrilla Campaigns in Belfast and Dublin, 1919–23
Kautt, B. (Author), Hughes, G. A. (Supervisor) & Payne, K. (Supervisor), 1 Aug 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Revolution and pachakuti : political and indigenous cinema in Bolivia and Colombia
Wood, D. M. J. (Author), 2005Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Revisiting the 'Nuremberg legacy' : societal transformation and the strategic success of international war crime tribunals : lessons from the Tokyo trial and Japanese experience
Futamura, M. (Author), 2006Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Revisiting the literary canon of the Spanish Transition from a feminist perspective: the response to the pact of forgetting and the consensus in the early novels of Montserrat Roig, Esther Tusquets, Rosa Montero and Lourdes Ortiz and their sentimental counter-education
Blanco, L. (Author), Bonaddio, F. (Supervisor) & Munoz Sempere, D. (Supervisor), 1 Feb 2020Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Revisiting the Green Revolution: Irrigation and Food Production in Twentieth-Century India.
Subramanian, K. (Author), Woods, A. (Supervisor) & Edgerton, D. E. H. (Supervisor), 2015Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Reverse genetics and functional analysis of an uncharacterized cysteine-rich protein coding gene family in Caenorhabditis elegans
Chaudhuri, P. (Author), Sturzenbaum, S. (Supervisor) & Maret, W. (Supervisor), 1 Apr 2016Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Reverse genetics analysis of biological functions of zinc transporters Znt1 (Slc30a1) & Zip10 (Slc39a10) in zebrafish
Muraina, I. (Author), Hogstrand, J. L. C. (Supervisor) & Bury, N. R. (Supervisor), 1 Dec 2013Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Revelation and theology : a study of the theological epistemologies of Hans Urs von Balthasar and Karl Barth.
Chia, R. (Author), 1994Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Revelation, intuition, and essence: an investigation into anti-physicalist thinking.
Robinson, W. (Author), Brewer, B. (Supervisor) & Papineau, D. (Supervisor), 1 Sept 2024Student thesis: Master's Thesis › Master of Philosophy
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Revealing and Concealing: Official Made Dress in Early Moden Venice, 1520-1610
Pellumbi, J. (Author), Welch, E. (Supervisor) & Gowing, L. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
Rev. Thomas Joseph Gaster: An Urban Missionary in Historical and Theological Context
Orr-Ewing, F. I. L. (Author), Ledger-Lomas, M. C. (Supervisor) & Ward, P. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Kask, M. (Author), Biondi, A. (Supervisor) & Talani, L. S. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Retro-fitting Conservative Garbage Collection
Hughes, J. (Author), Tratt, L. R. (Supervisor), 1 Jan 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Retinoic Acid Receptor-dependent Endogenous Retinoic Acid Activity in Mouse Collecting Ducts
Wong, Y. F. (Author), Xu, Q. (Supervisor) & Hendry, B. M. (Supervisor), 2012Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Rethinking Violence: Indian Christians, Hindutva and The Freedom of Religion in India
Selvaraj, S. (Author), Iqtidar, H. (Supervisor) & Susewind, R. (Supervisor), 1 Dec 2021Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Rethinking Empowerment: The Transformative Potential of Intimate Experiences in International Development
Zsiga, K. (Author), Cornwall, A. (Supervisor), 1 Oct 2024Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
Rethinking 3D Visualisation: From photorealistic visual aid to multivocal environment to study and communicate cultural heritage.
Vitale, V. (Author), Dunn, S. E. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy
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Resurrection Beyond the Secular: Pursuing a theological paradigm of international development
Loy, C. M. (Author), Sedmak, C. (Supervisor), 2015Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy