King's College London
Organisational unit: Business Group
NIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre (BRC)
Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience
Organisational unit: Research Group
Health Service & Population Research
Mental Health and Psychological Sciences
Organisational unit: Department
Mental Health and Psychological Sciences
Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience
Organisational unit: Division
Analytical, Environmental & Forensic Sciences
Cancer & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Organisational unit: Department
Liverpool John Moores University
External organisation: UK other source
University of Kent
External organisation: UK other source
King's College London
External organisation: UK other source
Department of Addictive Behavior and Addiction Medicine J5
External organisation: Unknown
IAS Institute of Alcohol Studies
External organisation: UK-based charity (open competitive process)
Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre for Mental Health
External organisation: Unknown
Birmingham Business School
External organisation: Unknown
University of Southampton, School of Medicine
External organisation: Unknown
External organisation: Fee funding body
UCL University College London
External organisation: UK other source
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
External organisation: UK central government body/local authority, health and hospital authority
Imperial College London
External organisation: UK other source
University of Hull
External organisation: UK other source
Division of Psychology and Language Sciences
External organisation: Unknown
South London and Maudsley NHS Mental Health FoundaD鸀on Trust
External organisation: Unknown
NIHR Biomedical Research Centre for Mental Health
External organisation: Unknown
NIHR Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care South London
External organisation: Unknown
NaD鸀onal InsD鸀tute for Health Research
External organisation: Unknown
Queen Mary University of London
External organisation: UK other source
School of Cancer and Pharmaceutical Science
External organisation: Unknown
Tavistock Centre
External organisation: Unknown
What Works for Children’s Social Care
External organisation: Unknown
Waterford Institute of Technology
External organisation: Unknown
NaD鸀onal InsD鸀tute for Health and Care Research
External organisation: Unknown
Health Technology Assessment programme
External organisation: Research grants
King’s College Hospital NHS FoundaD鸀on Trust
External organisation: Unknown
South London and Maudsley NHS FoundaD鸀on Trust
External organisation: Unknown
National Institute for Health and Care Research
External organisation: Unknown
Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
External organisation: Unknown
SLaM South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
External organisation: UK central government body/local authority, health and hospital authority
Arts and Sciences Department
External organisation: Unknown
Aalborg Univ, Aalborg University, Dept Clin Biochem, Vendsyssel Hosp
External organisation: Unknown
Institute for Mental Health
External organisation: Unknown