Personal profile

Research interests

Social policy; research ethics; housing for older people; assistive technology; elder abuse; carers; very old people; retirement; intergenerational links and long term care.

Research interests (short)

Ageing; social policy; ethics; housing; assistive technology; elder abuse; carers; very old people; retirement; intergenerational links and long term care.

Research interests (short)

Anthea Tinker is Professor of Social Gerontology. Her current research is focussing on long term care, housing, technology, and the role of Grandparents. Anthea is involved in teaching Social Policy on the Gerontology postgraduate and inter-collated degrees. Anthea has a particular interest in research ethics and has just completed 10 years chairing the College Research Ethics Committee. She also serves on a number of international and national advisory committees.

Biographical details


Ph.D. (Social Policy) City University

B.Com (Economics, Politics, Sociology), Birmingham University

Anthea Tinker has been Professor of Social Gerontology at King’s College London since 1988. She has been on the staff of three Universities and three Government Departments and has been a Consultant to the WHO, EU and OECD. She chaired the College Research Ethics Committee from 2001 – 2011.

She has undertaken a wide range of research in the field of social policy specialising since 1974 in gerontology. She is the author or co-author of 32 books and over 300 articles and book chapters. She has undertaken a large number of national plenary lectures including those organised by the Royal Society/British Academy, Royal Society of Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, British Society of Gerontology and numerous international plenary lectures in the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and in Europe.

She was awarded the CBE in 2000 in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for Services to Housing for Older People. She was elected a elected as a Fellow of King’s College London in 1998, a Founding Member of the Academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences in 1999. She was President of the Section of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Royal Society of Medicine 1998-2000. She was one of the Women of the Year in 2002. She was elected a fellow of the Briish Society of Gerontology in 2008 and awarded the Society's Outstanding Achievement Award in 2010.


Anthea Tinker's main areas of research interest are Social Policy and Research Ethics. She has worked on a wide range of research in the field of social policy specialising since 1974 in Gerontology. Recent research includes projects on community care, a large number of studies on housing for older people, elder abuse, health and health trends, carers, falls and accidents, information needs, older workers and technology/communication systems (including navigation aids, mobility of older people, introducing assistive technology into older people’s homes and remodelling sheltered housing and residential care homes to extra care housing).

Research on long term care includes 5 major national surveys of housing/care of older people, the research based evidence to the House of Commons Select Committee on Health, work on the financial costs of caring for the Carnegie Inquiry into the Third Age, a comparative study for the OECD of policies for frail elderly people and membership of the Joseph Rowntree Inquiry into the Cost of Long Term Care. She also led the teams which undertook the major research for the Royal Commission on Long Term Care (1999) and a large study of people aged 85 and over living in their own homes (2001). She carried out a national survey of University Research Ethics Committees in 2004.

Recent research has been the first national prevalence study of the abuse and mistreatment of older people (2005), two studies of older people in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland , Age Friendly Cities for the WHO (2007), two studies on the role of grandparents in Europe (funded by the Gulbenkian Foundation, 2012 and continuing). She is currently a PI for research on Social Isolation in Australia funded by the Australian Research Council, and by the Technology Strategy Board on long term care.

Biographical details


  • May 2000 – 2002  Chair ESRC EQUAL Advisory Committee
  • September 2000 – 2002  Chair Advisory Committee  Help the Aged committee On Older People and Homelessness
  • 2000 – 2002 Member Telecare Planning and Implementation Study (SPRU, Univ. Sussex)
  • June 2000  - July 2008 Academy of Learned Societies in the Social Sciences  Nominations Committee
  • Nov 2000  Member of Review Panel, Univ of Bristol into Int Inst Ageing and Health
  • March 2001  Commissioning panel EPSRC Equal (Design for all Rehabilitation)
  • June 2001  Adviser (gerontology) Research Assessment Exercise Social policy/Social work
  • 2000 – 2004? Member Committee EPSRC Network (Equal)
  • May 2001  EU expert in ‘Design for All’ & Assistive Technologies. Brussels
  • September 2001 - 2002  Member DH Consultation on Ethical Review of Social Care Research
  • October 2001 - 2010  International  J of Technology and Ageing Editorial Board
  • 2001 – current time New Dynamics of Ageing Advisory Committee (Deputy Chair)
  • Oct 2001  Co-opted member King’s College Research Ethics Committee
  • Jan 2002  - 2011 Chairman KCL Research Ethics Committee
  • 2001 - current  time Member Advisory Committee English Longitudinal Study on Ageing
  • Jan 03 – 21.12.05   Member of EPSRC Peer Review College
  • Jan 03 – 05   Member of SE London NHS Strategic Health Authority Research Governance Streamlining Group
  • Dec 02 – 07.04  Chair DH Single Assessment Process Accreditation Panel
  • March 2003 – current time Editorial Board Quality in Ageing
  • December 2002  WHO committee for WHO Glossary of terms on Community Health for Older Persons
  • 29-30 Oct 03       WHO Kobe Expert Meeting on Glossary of Terms for Community Health Care in Ageing Societies, Kobe Japan.  Chair sub group
  • 2004 Age  Care - Chair of Committee.  Care & Standards
  • Sept 2004 – 2005  International Adv Council Int. Research Centre for Healthy Ageing & Longevity, Sydney, Aus
  • October 2004 –October 2006  Editorial Board of the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
  • June 2005  Judge for the 2005 Mark Abrams Prize
  • May 2005 – current time Editorial Bd of Research Ethics Review (the J of the Assoc of RECS)
  • September 2005  New Dynamics of Ageing Commissioning Panel (collaborative Res. C Initiative)
  • December 2005 – 06  Almshouses Association Member Working Party On Housing and Care
  • January 2006 – 09  British Dental Association Working Party on Dentistry Futures
  • June 2006 – 2012  Council Member Assoc of Research Ethics Committees
  • March 2007 – 2008 Crown Prosecution Service  Elder Abuse Policy Steering Group
  • 2008 – current time Advisory Committee SOPRANO (Smart Environments for Older Europeans) EU project Brussels
  • January 2008 – current time  Member European Forum for Good Clinical Practice: Geriatric Medicines Working Party. Brussels
  • August 2001 – current time member Social Research Association Ethics Forum
  • March 2008  - 2009 International member of Australian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
  • 2008  Medical Research Council  Lifelong Health & Wellbeing Research Advisory Panel
  • Feb 2008  EPSRC Knowledge Transfer EQUAL Sift Panel Meeting
  • May 2010 - current time Member General Assembly (Council) International Society of Gerontechnology
  • Nov 2010 - 2011 EU Consortium Frailty Operative Definition Consensus  Member. Spain
  • Nov 2010 – current  Member Public Policy & Ethics Advisory Board for EU Project Independent Co-ordinated & Care. EU
  • 2010 – 2012 Chair Design Council Technology Strategy Board research programme Independence Matters
  • 2011  Member AgeUk Research Grants committee
  • 2011 - Current time Member of York University Centre for Housing Policy Research Ethics Committee
  • 2011 - Current time Medical Research Council Lifelong Health and Wellbeing programme University College London WISH (Wellbeing Interventions for Social and Health Needs – the WISH study) study (Chair)
  • 2012 - Current time Member of advisory committee for NIHR Rebuilding Lives – Supporting Homeless People to Achieve Independent Living’  Research

Biographical details

PRESENTATIONS FROM 1.1.08 (excluding internal lectures)

  • 13.2.08  ‘Remodelling sheltered housing and residential care homes to      extra care housing’. Laing and Buisson Extra Care Annual Conference.      London
  • 07.3.08  ‘Ethics: Issues, procedures and practice – Institutional      review by universities’.  Government      Social Research Unit, HM Treasury. London
  • 03.4.08  Launch of Centre for Ageing Research & Devt in      Ireland.  ‘The opportunity of ageing      research’.  In presence of Minster      and Senior Civil Servants from Ireland and NI.  Belfast
  • 07.4.08  ‘An introduction to Housing for Older People’.  Visit of Dutch delegation study tour on      “Exploring new dimensions in public, non profit and for profit elderly      care”.  Westminster
  • 23.4.08  ‘The UK Study of the mistreatment and abuse of older people      report – key findings’ (on behalf of team).  Elder abuse study day. Cudddesdon      Theological College, Oxford
  • 28.5.08  ‘Some key issues in ageing in place’.  Keynote 18th John K Friesen      Canada Conference. Simon Fraser, University, Vancouver Canada
  • 30.5.08  ‘The power of age’.       What are the social implications of an ageing population?’      Keynote.  Launch of Seniors Week      2008.  Richmond, BC, Canada
  • 30.5.08  ‘The global experience of ageing populations’.  Discussion with City of Richmond Senior      Citizens, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
  • 15.7.08  ‘The UK study of the Mistreatment and Abuse of Older People:      key findings and issues for the Crown Prosecution Service and Policy’ at      the launch of the Crown Prosecution Service Crimes Against Older People      Public Policy Statement Launch, London
  • 16.7.08  Launch of English Longitudinal Study on Ageing Wave 3.  Final comments at conclusion of      conference and some policy implications. London
  • 20.8.08  The Atlantic Philanthropies in Northern Ireland: Presentation      to grantees with Hannah Zeelig. Belfast, N. Ireland
  • 05.9.08  British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference ‘Older      people’s experience of participating in longitudinal research’ with S      Bharma (on behalf of the team). Bristol
  • 06.9.08  British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference ‘Age Friendly      Cities: WHO research’ (with S Briggs). Bristol
  • 28.10.08                Royal Society of Medicine Section      of Geriatrics and Gerontology ‘The UK study of mistreatment and abuse of older      people: background’. London
  • 04.11.08                ‘Remodelling sheltered      housing and residential care homes to extra care housing: advice to      housing and care providers’.  Health      Investor Conference, London
  • 27.11.08                Joseph Rowntree Foundation      Conference/Consultation on Extra Care: ‘Housing with Care: Current      Knowledge and future policy: some lessons about remodelling’. London
  • 01.12.08                ‘Retirement – a social      science and personal account’.       Diocese of London. Preparing for Retirement Programmes.  London
  • 18.1.09  ‘Older people as leaders’. Living Bone and Ageing Expert Group.  Berlin
  • 28.1.09  Chair and present to Atlantic Philanthropies and The Irish Longitudinal      Study on Ageing team, ‘The retention of older participants in longitudinal      research’. London
  • 26.2.09  Oxford University Research Ethics Committee: ‘Ethical Review:  Some experience from King’s College      London’. Oxford
  • 19.3.09  ‘Retraining old people in longitudinal research studies: Some      ethical issues’.  Association of Research      Ethics Committees Conference.  Birmingham
  • 23.3.09  ‘The retention of older participants in longitudinal health      research studies’ (with G Mein) National Centre for Social Research      Conference, Royal Society. London
  • 07.4.09  ‘A response to the framework of UK Research Integrity Office Procedure      for the investigation of misconduct in research’ (and chair the conference      on the UK RIO procedures) and summary of the day. London
  • 08.4.09  Chair UK Research Integrity Office conference ‘Underpinning a      framework for research integrity: Identifying the issues, promotion,      training and monitoring’. London
  • 22.5.09  ‘The abuse of older people’ Royal College of Obstetricians and      Gynaecologists. Conference on Forensic Gynaecology, London
  • 09.6.09  UK Research Integrity Office Conference on Research Integrity.      ‘Procedures for research misconduct’.       Chair the day and sum up. London
  • 8.7.09     19th International Association of Geriatrics and      Gerontology World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics. ‘The      mistreatment and neglect of older people in the community:  Are there lessons for policy and      practice?’ (with J. Manthorpe),  Paris,      France
  • 08.7.09  19th International Association of Geriatrics and      Gerontology World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics Chair      Symposium.  Ageing in place in the      developed world: The experiences of the UK, Australia and Canada.   ‘Ageing in Place in the UK’.  Paris, France
  • 09.7.09  19th International Association of Geriatrics and      Gerontology World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics. ‘Developing age      friendly communities: practice and policy initiatives from across the world’.  Paris, France
  • 21.7.09  Ministerial Summit on dementia.  Chair Workshop, London
  • 03.9.09  British Society of Gerontology Annual conference. ‘The      retention of older participants in longitudinal. research. studies’ (with      Gill Mein).  Bristol
  • 11.9.09  ESRC/Technology Strategy Board       Public Policy Seminar ‘Social and behavioural issues influencing      the development and adoption of Assisted Living Technologies.  An academic perspective’. London
  • 09.11.09                New Dynamics of Ageing      Seminar  SOMNIA ‘Sleep Problems in      Later Life’.  London
  • 11.11.09                ‘Ageing in place for      fun’.  EU master class for European      PhD students.  Eindhoven,      Netherlands (and judge posters)      
  • 19.11.09                ‘Some challenges in      undertaking longitudinal research with older people’.  European Forum on Good Clinical Practice      Geriatrics Working Party.  The      challenges of an ageing. population for medical  research.       Brussels
  • 28.11.09                ‘Changing demographics and      expectations: Connecting needs, aspirations and choice’.  Savills Retirement Housing Seminar.      London
  • 30.11.09                ‘The ethics of research      with older people and people with disabilities’.    EPSRC Workshop KT Equal master class. University      of Salford. Manchester
  • 15.2.10  ‘Images of older people: Do they matter?’  PSALM       Annual Meeting St Pancras Church. London
  • 25.2.10  ‘The sexual abuse of older people’.  St Mary’s Centre, Manchester.
  • 08.3.10  Visit of researchers from Canadian Institute of Ageing Study tour      ‘The science of ageing: supportive built environments.  Age friendly research, housing and      cities: A UK Perspective’. London
  • 15.4.10  International conference. Understanding Ageing: Health, Wealth      and Wellbeing at fifty and beyond. ‘Longitudinal studies – the importance      of retaining participants’.  St      Catherine’s College, Oxford
  • 08.5.10  ‘Retiring from or retiring to a career?’  Girton College, Cambridge Conference on   Life after your main career. Cambridge
  • 27-30.05.10  International Society for      Gerontechnology, Vancouver, Canada
  • 29 May – Keynote “What is the      contribution of technology to ageing – in place?”
  • 29 May – Symposium ‘Ethical      considerations in telecare development and deployment’
  • May 26 & 30 – Master class      on Ageing and Technology for emerging researchers and PhD students 
  • May 26 ‘The impact of research’
  • 29.6.10  ‘The social aspects of ageing’.  Royal Society of Medicine Conference on      the Biology of Ageing: Clinical implications. London
  • 06.7.10  British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference Brunel      University. ‘Why me?  Some lessons      from being a participant in longitudinal studies’, Uxbridge
  • 08.7.10  British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference Brunel      University. ‘An international study of grandparents in family life’,      Uxbridge
  • 20.7.10  ‘Housing for older people’: Seminar on the Impact of the      Social Sciences: Ageing   Academy of      Social Sciences ‘The challenges of an ageing population’.  Portcullis House – to MPs, members of      House of Lords, policy makers, London
  • 02.9.10  Summer School – Basque governmentt/University of Basque. ‘Preventive      services for older people in the UK:       the role of housing’.  Spain,      St Sebastian
  • 07.10.10                ‘The care of older people –      what role for technology?’  4th      European Housing Congress Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • 19.10.10                ‘Involving older people in      the research process – reflections on research for the New Dynamics of      Ageing research programme’. London
  • 10.11.10                ‘The needs and demands of      older workers’.  International      Master class on Gerontology. Utrecht, Netherlands
  • 22.11.10                European Forum for Good      Clinical Practice European conference       ‘Some insights from an older participant in longitudinal research      studies’. Brussels
  • 28.11.10                Royal Society of Medicine/Cumberland      Lodge.  ‘How do we deliver a better      old age?’ Surrey
  • 14-15.2.11  and 24-26.10.11 Member of focus      group/experts EU Frailty project, Valencia and then Madrid Spain
  • 23.2.11  Visit of Slovenian Gerontologists.  ‘Ethics for research in the UK’, London
  • 01.3.11  ‘The benefits and bureaucracy of the ethical process’      EPSRC  Workshop on Ethics.  Coventry
  • 27.9.11  ‘The English Longitudinal Study of      Ageing including some information on the Whitehall Studies’, joint meeting      between the Royal Society of Medicine and the New York Academy of      Medicine, New York, USA
  • 30.3.12  Manchester Interdisciplinary      Collaboration for Research on Ageing, PhD student conference, ‘The experience      of being a participant in research’, University of Manchester.
  • 16.4.12  ‘Balancing work and informal care for      older workers’. Grandparents Plus and Working Families. London
  • 26.6.12  ‘Ageing people and their social      environment’ International Society of Gerontechnology Master Class, Eindhoven,      Netherlands
  • 28.6.12  ‘Gerontechnology matrices as      collaboration tools’. International Society of Gerontechnology conference (with      G Gutman and R Mayagoitia-Hill), Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • 11.7.12 British Society of Gerontology      annual conference Keele University ‘Independence Matters’ (with M Guldbrandsen,      J Marshall-Cyrus, U Davies, K Wilson). Keele
  • 13.7.12  British Society of Gerontology annual      conference Keele University ‘An intercalated BSc in Gerontology: A      critical account’ with R Stewart, J Landers, M Wells, K Price, Keele
  • 15.10.12 Conference to Launch      the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing Wave 5 Chair morning session,      London
  • 22.5.13Presentation ‘The Social Isolation of Older People: Some examples from Europe’ tothe Australian Research Council funded RCT project on Social Isolation University of Adelaide, Australia. 
  • 23.5.13 ‘Some challenges in undertaking longitudinal research with older people’.  Seminar at the Centre for Housing, Urban and Regional Planning, University of Adelaide, Australia
  • 28.5.13 Australian Association of Gerontology, South Australia Branch.  Lecture and discussion ‘Grandparents in Europe’.  Adelaide, Australia

Biographical details


Tinker, A., 2005. Contributor to WHO. A glossary of terms for community health care and services for older persons. Ageing and Health Report, 5. World Health Organisation Kobe, Japan. Expert adivsor.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 5 - Gender Equality
  • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
  • SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Education/Academic qualification

Doctor of Philosophy, Housing the elderly near relatives: How successful are Granny annexes?, City, University of London

Award Date: 1 Jan 1976

Bachelor of Social Science, University of Birmingham

Award Date: 1 Jan 1953


  • H Social Sciences (General)
  • social policy, housing,
  • social policy


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