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AHRB fees-award for Postgraduate study (Master in Applied Computing in the Humanities - King's College London)
Ciula, A. (Recipient), 2004
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively
KingsCAT: Capture and Analysis Tool for Social Media Research at King’s College London
Bounegru, L. (Recipient), Gray, J. (Recipient), Adegoke, D. (Recipient), Alevizou, G. (Recipient), Atkinson, S. (Recipient), Ballatore, A. (Recipient), Birchall, C. (Recipient), Boesten, J. (Recipient), Mendes Borges, A. (Recipient), Borie, M. (Recipient), Van den Bossche, A. (Recipient), Bratu, R. (Recipient), Brooks, G. (Recipient), Can, O. (Recipient), Cheema, M. (Recipient), Chukwusa, E. (Recipient), Ciula, A. (Recipient), Connor, S. (Recipient), Curcin, V. (Recipient), Delacroix, S. (Recipient), Duffy, B. (Recipient), Etter, M. (Recipient), Georgakopoulou-Nunes, A. (Recipient), Hewlett, K. (Recipient), Leightley, D. (Recipient), Marcinkowski, M. (Recipient), Marshall, I. (Recipient), Montecchi, M. (Recipient), Nieto McAvoy, E. (Recipient), Nikiphorou, E. (Recipient), Nordin, A. (Recipient), Pelling, B. (Recipient), Penn, M. (Recipient), Plangger, K. (Recipient), San Diego, J. (Recipient), Simperl, E. (Recipient), Thain, M. (Recipient), Monteiro Vieira, J. M. (Recipient) & Wang, Y. (Recipient), 2024
Prize: Other distinction
University of Siena (Italy) - scholarship for three years of PhD in Book Studies
Ciula, A. (Recipient), 2001
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively