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Search results
A Virtual Cohort of Twenty-four Left-ventricular Models of Ischemic Cardiomyopathy Patients
Mendonca Costa, C., Neic, A., Kerfoot, E., Gillette, K., Porter, B., Sieniewicz, B., Gould, J., Sidhu, B., Chen, Z., Elliott, M., Mehta, V., Plank, G., Rinaldi, C. A., Bishop, M. & Niederer, S., King's College London, 28 Feb 2020
DOI: 10.18742/rdm01-570,
A Publicly Available Virtual Cohort of Four-chamber Heart Meshes for Cardiac Electro-mechanics Simulations
Strocchi, M., Augustin, C. M., Gsell, M. A. F., Karabelas, E., Neic, A., Gillette, K., Razeghi, O., Prassl, A. J., Vigmond, E. J., Behar, J., Gould, J., Sidhu, B., Rinaldi, C. A., Bishop, M., Plank, G. & Niederer, S., Zenodo, 15 Jun 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3890034,