12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Dr Claire Reddleman with the persons below:
Zoe Norridge
- English Language & Literature - Reader in African and Comparative Literature and Visual Studies
Person: Academic
Diya Gupta
Evelyn Welch
Ricarda Vidal
- Culture, Media & Creative Industries - Senior Lecturer in Culture, Media & Creative Industries Education
Person: Academic
Catarina Fouto
- Languages, Literatures and Cultures - Senior Lecturer in Portuguese Studies
Person: Academic
Bethan Marshall
- The Centre for Language, Discourse and Communication (LDC)
- School of Education, Communication & Society - Senior Lecturer in English Education
Person: Member, Academic
Ruth Craggs
- Urban Futures
- Contested Development
- Geography - Reader in Historical and Political Geography
Person: Member, Academic
Wayne Wong