Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 64 results
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Using AI to understand how preventative interventions can improve the health of children in the UK and reduce winter pressures on the NHS
Chapman, M., Ashworth, M., Becares, L., Boulding, H., Curcin, V., Harding, S., Molokhia, M., Morgan, C., Parmar, D., Poston, L. & Wolfe, I.
HDR UK Health Data Research UK
1/01/2023 → 30/09/2023
Project: Research
The impact of social isolation on aging health in schizophrenia
NIH National Institutes of Health
15/08/2022 → 31/05/2024
Project: Research
EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
1/01/2021 → 30/09/2021
Project: Research
Intersections of ethnicity, gender, poverty, and mental health in adolescence in the context of COVID-19
Morgan, C., Hatch, S. & Marlow, S.
19/08/2020 → 18/11/2021
Project: Research
Molecular prediction of treatment resistance in schizophrenia
Brain and Behavior Research Foundation
15/01/2020 → 14/01/2023
Project: Research
"Psychosis Mapping in KwaZulu-Natal" (PSYMAP-ZN)
South African Medical Research Council
1/06/2019 → 30/04/2022
Project: Research
The Impact of Early Adversity on Trajectories of Brain Maturation and Mental Health in Young Adolescents
Dazzan, P., Morgan, C., Schumann, G., Pariante, C., Nosarti, C., Mehta, M. & Harding, S.
1/10/2018 → 30/09/2022
Project: Research
Risk and Protective Factors for Unfounded Paranoid Ideation in Adolescents: A Virtual Reality Study
Gayer-Anderson, C. & Morgan, C.
1/11/2017 → 31/10/2020
Project: Research
International Research Programme on Psychosis in Diverse Settings (INTREPID II)
1/10/2017 → 30/09/2022
Project: Research
Championing Social Science for Mental Health: Applying Social Science Theory and Methods to Life Course Research on Mental Health
Morgan, C., Hatch, S. & Manning, N.
1/01/2017 → 31/12/2019
Project: Research
Bio-REACH: The biology of Risk, Resilience, Ethnicity and AdolesCent Mental Health
Dazzan, P., Harding, S., McGuire, P., Mehta, M., Mondelli, V., Montana, G., Morgan, C., Nosarti, C. & Pariante, C.
15/10/2016 → 15/10/2020
Project: Research
Comorbid substance abuse in first episode psychosis in India and UK- prevalence, outcome and neural correlates.
Bhattacharyya, S., Barker, G., Kempton, M., Morgan, C. & Murray, R.
1/10/2015 → 30/09/2018
Project: Research
Impact of stress sensitivity on long-term outcome and risk of relapse in psychosis
Bhattacharyya, S., Morgan, C., Murray, R., Petros, N. & Reininghaus, U.
1/09/2015 → 1/09/2018
Project: Research
REACH: Risk, Resilience, Ethnicity and Adolescent Mental Health
1/07/2015 → 31/08/2020
Project: Research
Impact of stress sensitivity on long-term outcome and risk of relapse in psychosis
Bhattacharyya, S., Morgan, C., Murray, R., Petros, N. & Reininghaus, U.
1/06/2015 → 1/06/2018
Project: Research
Childhood Adversity in the At-Risk Mental State: a longitudinal study
De Almeida Ribeiro Calem, M. C., Kempton, M., McGuire, P. & Morgan, C.
1/03/2015 → 28/02/2018
Project: Research
Engagement and disengagement with services in first-episode psychosis: an examination of prevalence, socio-demographic and acute treatment correlates and economic evaluation of disengagement following the early phase of treatment
Renwick, L., Bowers, L., McCrone, P. & Morgan, C.
1/10/2014 → 10/11/2016
Project: Research
Does the "Social Safete Net" Mitigate the Impact of Stressful Life Events or Difficulties for the Onset of Psychosis
Morgan, C. & Gayer-Anderson, C.
1/10/2014 → 30/09/2015
Project: Research
Social risk factors for poorer course and prognosis of schizophrenia, cohort study
1/09/2014 → 1/09/2016
Project: Research
Childhood adversity in the "At-Risk Mental State" : A longitudinal study
academic, A., Kempton, M., McGuire, P. & Morgan, C.
1/02/2014 → 1/02/2017
Project: Research
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of perinatal mental health services
Bick, D., Howard, L., Byford, S., Hunter, M., Morgan, C., Pariante, C., Pawlby, S., Pickles, A. & Rose, D.
NIHR National Institute For Health & Care Research
1/09/2013 → 30/09/2019
Project: Research
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of perinatal mental health services (ESMI)
Howard, L., Bick, D., Byford, S., Hunter, M., Morgan, C., Pariante, C., Pawlby, S., Pickles, A. & Rose, D.
DHSC Department of Health and Social Care
1/09/2013 → 31/08/2018
Project: Research
The effect of ethnic density on psychosis incidence
Schofield, P., Armstrong, D. & Morgan, C.
1/04/2013 → 31/12/2017
Project: Research
The role of stress and genetic predisposition in the development of psychosis
Mondelli, V., Dazzan, P., McGuire, P., Morgan, C., Murray, R., Pariante, C. & Williams, S.
1/10/2012 → 30/09/2017
Project: Research
Mental illness in Adylum Seekers and refugees: a prevalance and pilot study
Boydell, J., Kravariti, J., Morgan, C., Murray, R. & Stahl, D.
1/09/2012 → 31/08/2014
Project: Research
How do genetic predisposition and environmental stressors act on the brain to increase the risk of psychosis?
Mondelli, V., Dazzan, P., McGuire, P., Morgan, C., Murray, R., Pariante, C. & Williams, S.
1/05/2012 → 1/05/2016
Project: Research
Where does the response to stress go wrong in psychosis? Measuring cortisol, cytokines, neuroplasticity markers and hippocampal volume in patients with first-episode psychosis and their healthy siblings
Mondelli, V., Dazzan, P., Morgan, C., Murray, R., Pariante, C. & Williams, S.
1/11/2011 → 1/11/2013
Project: Research
The Incidence, Course and Outcome of Psychosis in Socially and Culturally Diverse Settings: A Pilot Study
1/11/2011 → 31/10/2014
Project: Research
Developmental trajectories of psychosis in population-based samples: interplay between early adversity and familial risk.
Fisher, H., Moffitt, T. & Morgan, C.
30/09/2011 → 29/09/2014
Project: Research
Childhood Adversity, Stress Sensitivity and Psychosis: An Experience Sampling Study
Morgan, C. & Jamieson-Craig, T.
1/09/2011 → 31/08/2015
Project: Research
Prevelance and psychosocial determinants of mental illness in asylum seekers, service use and economic implications: A feasibility study
Boydell, J., Kravariti, J., Morgan, C., Murray, R. & Stahl, D.
1/09/2011 → 31/08/2012
Project: Research
The role of gene-environment correlations and interactions on the endophenotypes of psychosis disorders
Toulopoulou, T., McGuire, P., Morgan, C., Murray, R. & Powell, J.
1/09/2011 → 31/08/2014
Project: Research
How does childhood maltreatment lead to depression in adults? A molecular study on inflammatory and metabolic pathways using the South East London Community Health (SELCoH) sample
Pariante, C., Caspi, A., Danese, A., Hatch, S., Hotopf, M., Moffitt, T., Mondelli, V. & Morgan, C.
1/06/2011 → 31/05/2014
Project: Research
A new screening tool for the prediction of psychiatric adverse effects in patients receiving interferon-a treatment for chronic viral hepatitis C
Pariante, C., Aitchison, K., Cattaneo, A., Cleare, A., Henderson, M., Hepgul, N., Hotopf, M., Lewis, C., Mondelli, V. & Morgan, C.
NIHR National Institute For Health & Care Research
1/06/2010 → 31/03/2012
Project: Research
A US-UK Comparison of Discrimination & Disparities in Health & Health Service Use
Hatch, S., Harvey, S., Hotopf, M., Morgan, C., Thornicroft, G. & Verdecchia, M.
ESRC Economic and Social Research Council
14/05/2010 → 13/05/2015
Project: Research