Projects per year
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Transposable Element Activation in Pre-invasive and Early Invasive Breast Cancer Development in High-Risk Women: Developing a Spatial Proteogenomic and Liquid Biopsy Platform for Molecular Characterization and Early Detection
Grigoriadis, A. (Primary Investigator), Gillett, C. (Co-Investigator), Karimi, M. M. (Co-Investigator), Pinder, S. (Co-Investigator) & Sawyer, E. (Co-Investigator)
1/10/2024 → 30/09/2025
Project: Research
SAMBAI: SAMBAI: Societal, Ancestry, Molecular and Biological Analyses of Inequalities
Irshad, S. (Primary Investigator), Gillett, C. (Co-Investigator), Karimi, M. M. (Co-Investigator) & Sawyer, E. (Co-Investigator)
1/05/2024 → 30/04/2025
Project: Research
Does the tissue micro-environment contribute to radiotherapy resistance in breast cancer?
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator)
1/05/2024 → 30/04/2025
Project: Research
Profiling circulating tumour cells in lobular breast cancer
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator)
1/02/2024 → 31/01/2025
Project: Research
Influence of the tumour microenvironment on relapse in invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator)
1/10/2023 → 30/09/2026
Project: Research
HERD: Multimodality Early Detection of Head and Neck Cancer Recurrence
Ng, T. (Primary Investigator), Barber, P. (Co-Investigator), Burchell, J. (Co-Investigator), Curtis, M. (Co-Investigator), Kordasti, S. (Co-Investigator), Mathew, C. (Co-Investigator), Neves, J. (Co-Investigator), Sawyer, E. (Co-Investigator), Sinkus, R. (Co-Investigator) & Thavaraj, S. (Co-Investigator)
1/03/2021 → 28/02/2026
Project: Research
Boosting the development of the radiation-induced abscopal effect as a metastatic TNBC treatment – Preclinical evaluation of key parameters.
Fruhwirth, G. (Primary Investigator), Gillett, C. (Co-Investigator), Grigoriadis, A. (Co-Investigator) & Sawyer, E. (Co-Investigator)
1/01/2023 → 30/09/2024
Project: Research
UKRI CoA: Molecular Genetics of Lobular Breast Cancer in a South African cohort and effect of HIV infection
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator)
EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
5/11/2020 → 4/05/2021
Project: Research
Molecular Genetics of Lobular Breast Cancer in a South African cohort and effect of HIV infection
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator), Mathew, C. (Co-Investigator) & Pinder, S. (Co-Investigator)
15/11/2018 → 14/11/2020
Project: Research
Prevent Ductal Carcinoma in Situ Invasive Overtreatment Now - PRECISION
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator) & Pinder, S. (Co-Investigator)
1/05/2017 → 30/04/2023
Project: Research
NIHR Biomedical Research Centre. Funding for Financial Years 2017/18, 2018/19
Wolfe, C. (Primary Investigator), Parsons, M. (Primary Investigator), Gould, H. (Primary Investigator), Corrigan, C. (Primary Investigator), Greenough, A. (Primary Investigator), Peakman, M. (Primary Investigator), Vyse, T. (Primary Investigator), Antoniou, M. (Primary Investigator), Oakey, R. (Primary Investigator), McGrath, J. (Primary Investigator), Karagiannis, S. (Primary Investigator), Barker, J. (Primary Investigator), Flohr, C. (Primary Investigator), Tziotzios, C. (Primary Investigator), Whittaker, S. (Primary Investigator), Spector, T. (Primary Investigator), Watt, F. (Primary Investigator), Hayday, A. (Primary Investigator), Spencer, J. (Primary Investigator), Cope, A. (Primary Investigator), Malim, M. (Primary Investigator), Martin Serrano, J. (Primary Investigator), Edgeworth, J. (Primary Investigator), Cason, J. (Primary Investigator), Lord, G. (Primary Investigator), Dorling, A. (Primary Investigator), Sacks, S. (Primary Investigator), Sanchez Fueyo, A. (Primary Investigator), Lombardi, G. (Primary Investigator), Ostermann, M. (Primary Investigator), Shah, A. (Primary Investigator), Marber, M. (Primary Investigator), Mayr, M. (Primary Investigator), Chowienczyk, P. (Primary Investigator), Wells, C. (Primary Investigator), Grigoriadis, A. (Primary Investigator), Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator), Maher, J. (Primary Investigator), Tribe, R. (Primary Investigator), Ilic, D. (Primary Investigator), Poston, L. (Primary Investigator), Rutherford, M. (Primary Investigator), Gee, T. (Primary Investigator), Blower, P. (Primary Investigator), Edwards, D. (Primary Investigator), Sharpe, P. (Primary Investigator), Streit, A. (Primary Investigator), Naglik, J. (Primary Investigator), Tavassoli, M. (Primary Investigator) & McNaughton, P. (Primary Investigator)
NIHR National Institute For Health & Care Research
1/04/2017 → 31/03/2022
Project: Research
Identification of biomarkers that predict progression of lobular carcinoma in situ
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator)
1/01/2017 → 30/06/2019
Project: Research
Identification of biomarkers that predict recurrence of DCIS after breast conserving surgery from the Sloane Project
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator) & Pinder, S. (Co-Investigator)
4/01/2016 → 3/01/2019
Project: Research
Validation of biomarkers that predict progression of in situ breast cancer to invasive disease
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator)
1/01/2016 → 31/12/2020
Project: Research
Identification of biomarkers that predict progression of lobular carcinoma in situ
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator) & Shah, V. (Co-Investigator)
1/06/2015 → 30/11/2017
Project: Research
Identification of rare variants that predispose to lobular breast carcinoma
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator) & Simpson, M. (Co-Investigator)
1/05/2015 → 30/06/2016
Project: Research
Identification of mutations that predict progression of LCIS to ILC
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator), Ciccarelli, F. (Co-Investigator), Nowinski, S. (Co-Investigator) & Shah, V. (Co-Investigator)
1/03/2015 → 29/02/2016
Project: Research
Pilot Study of RNAseq in LCIS FFPE samples
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator)
1/03/2015 → 29/02/2016
Project: Research
Identification of biomarkers that predict progression of lobular breast cancer
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator) & Ciccarelli, F. (Co-Investigator)
1/01/2015 → 31/12/2017
Project: Research
Identification of biomarkers that predict progression of LCIS to invasive disease
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator) & Nowinski, S. (Co-Investigator)
1/06/2014 → 31/05/2015
Project: Research
Functional analysis of common variant on chromosome 7q34 that predisposes to lobular carcinoma
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator)
1/01/2014 → 3/08/2017
Project: Research
Characterisation of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway in lobular carcinoma of the breast
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator) & Shah, V. (Co-Investigator)
1/01/2014 → 31/12/2015
Project: Research
Functional analysis of common variants that predispose to lobular carcinoma
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator)
1/01/2012 → 31/12/2015
Project: Research
Identification of common polymorphisms that predispose to ductal carcinoma in situ
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator) & academic, A. (Co-Investigator)
1/01/2012 → 8/06/2014
Project: Research
Identification of biomarkers that predict tumour progression in ductal carcinoma in situ using next generation sequence
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator)
1/09/2011 → 31/08/2012
Project: Research
Identifying pathways of tumour progression and genetic predisposition in lobular neplasia
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator) & Shah, V. (Co-Investigator)
1/01/2011 → 31/12/2013
Project: Research
Identification of biomarkers that predict tumour progression in lobular carcinoma in situ
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator), Grigoriadis, A. (Co-Investigator), Holmberg, L. (Co-Investigator), Mackay, A. (Co-Investigator), Pinder, S. (Co-Investigator), Roylance, R. (Co-Investigator) & Tomlinson, I. (Co-Investigator)
1/01/2011 → 31/12/2013
Project: Research
Identification of common polymorphisms that predispose to lobular carcinoma in situ and invasive lobular carcinoma
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator), Roylance, R. (Co-Investigator) & Tomlinson, I. (Co-Investigator)
1/01/2011 → 4/11/2012
Project: Research
Identifying pathways of tumour progression and genetic predisposition in lobular neoplasia
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator), Holmberg, L. (Co-Investigator), Pinder, S. (Co-Investigator), Roylance, R. (Co-Investigator) & Tomlinson, I. (Co-Investigator)
1/07/2010 → 30/06/2013
Project: Research
Molecular characterisation of lobular caricinoma in situ of the breast
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator) & Roylance, R. (Co-Investigator)
1/10/2009 → 30/09/2014
Project: Research
Molecular characterisation of lobular carcinoma in situ
Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator), Hanby, A. (Co-Investigator), Roylance, R. (Co-Investigator) & Tomlinson, I. (Co-Investigator)
1/08/2008 → 28/09/2009
Project: Research
NIHR Biomedical Research Centre
Afzali, B. (Primary Investigator), Antoniou, M. (Primary Investigator), Barker, J. (Primary Investigator), Barratt, B. (Primary Investigator), Beighton, D. (Primary Investigator), Bevan, S. (Primary Investigator), Blower, P. (Primary Investigator), Burchell, J. (Primary Investigator), Cason, J. (Primary Investigator), Chappell, L. (Primary Investigator), Cope, A. (Primary Investigator), Corrigan, C. (Primary Investigator), Cunninghame Graham, D. (Primary Investigator), Dontu, G. (Primary Investigator), Edgeworth, J. (Primary Investigator), Farzaneh, F. (Primary Investigator), Gee, T. (Primary Investigator), Gould, H. (Primary Investigator), Green, P. (Primary Investigator), Greenough, A. (Primary Investigator), Grigoriadis, A. (Primary Investigator), Hayday, A. (Primary Investigator), Higginson, I. (Primary Investigator), Kalra, L. (Primary Investigator), Karagiannis, S. (Primary Investigator), Kelly, F. (Primary Investigator), Kemper, C. (Primary Investigator), Lau-Walker, M. (Primary Investigator), Lavender, P. (Primary Investigator), Lee, T. (Primary Investigator), Lempp, H. (Primary Investigator), Lewis, C. (Primary Investigator), Lombardi, G. (Primary Investigator), Lord, G. (Primary Investigator), Marber, M. (Primary Investigator), Mason, J. (Primary Investigator), Mathew, C. (Primary Investigator), McGrath, J. (Primary Investigator), Metcalfe, A. (Primary Investigator), Molokhia, M. (Primary Investigator), Mullen, G. (Primary Investigator), Nagel, E. (Primary Investigator), Neil, S. (Primary Investigator), Nestle, F. (Primary Investigator), Oakey, R. (Primary Investigator), Parker, P. (Primary Investigator), Peakman, M. (Primary Investigator), Perera, D. (Primary Investigator), Purushotham, A. (Primary Investigator), Rasekh Ahmadi, K. (Primary Investigator), Rashid, T. (Primary Investigator), Razavi, R. (Primary Investigator), Ridley, A. (Primary Investigator), Robson, M. (Primary Investigator), Sacks, S. (Primary Investigator), Sanchez Fueyo, A. (Primary Investigator), Santis, G. (Primary Investigator), Sanz Moreno, V. (Primary Investigator), Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator), Schaeffter, T. (Primary Investigator), Shah, A. (Primary Investigator), Sharpe, P. (Primary Investigator), Simpson, M. (Primary Investigator), Smith, R. (Primary Investigator), Sorinola, I. (Primary Investigator), Spector, T. (Primary Investigator), Spicer, J. (Primary Investigator), Taams, L. (Primary Investigator), Tavassoli, M. (Primary Investigator), Taylor, D. (Primary Investigator), Tree, T. (Primary Investigator), Trembath, R. (Primary Investigator), Tribe, R. (Primary Investigator), Tutt, A. (Primary Investigator), Waltham, M. (Primary Investigator), Watt, F. (Primary Investigator), Webb, A. (Primary Investigator), Wells, C. (Primary Investigator), Whelan, K. (Primary Investigator), Whitaker, J. (Primary Investigator), Whittlesea, C. (Primary Investigator), Williamson, C. (Primary Investigator), Wolfe, C. (Primary Investigator), Yu, V. (Primary Investigator), academic, A. (Primary Investigator), Hughes, S. (Co-Investigator), Montana, G. (Co-Investigator), Rhode, K. (Co-Investigator), Schnabel, J. (Co-Investigator) & Tziotzios, C. (Co-Investigator)
NIHR National Institute For Health & Care Research, DHSC Department of Health and Social Care
1/04/2007 → 31/03/2017
Project: Research
King's Experimental Cancer Centre
Parker, P. (Primary Investigator), Purushotham, A. (Primary Investigator), Blower, P. (Co-Investigator), Burchell, J. (Co-Investigator), Diebold, S. (Co-Investigator), Ellis, P. (Co-Investigator), Farzaneh, F. (Co-Investigator), Gillett, C. (Co-Investigator), Grimwade, D. (Co-Investigator), Harries, M. (Co-Investigator), Hayday, A. (Co-Investigator), Lewis, C. (Co-Investigator), Marsden, P. (Co-Investigator), Mufti, G. (Co-Investigator), Møller, H. (Co-Investigator), Nestle, F. (Co-Investigator), Ng, T. (Co-Investigator), O'Doherty, M. (Co-Investigator), Sawyer, E. (Co-Investigator), Schey, S. (Co-Investigator), Solomon, E. (Co-Investigator), Spencer, J. (Co-Investigator), Taylor-Papadimitriou, J. (Co-Investigator), Tutt, A. (Co-Investigator) & Whittaker, S. (Co-Investigator)
1/08/2006 → 31/03/2012
Project: Research