Gabi Cavalheiro

Gabi Cavalheiro


Personal profile

Research interests

My research discusses and unveil aristocratic/secular materialities from Thirteenth Century England, incorporating a range of complimentary yet multidisciplinary approaches, from debates on archaeological data to current works on insular romances and legal treatises. The idea of materiality is expended from personal possessions to landscape and spatial analysis, uncovered in range of early Middle English romances and the Thirteenth Century legal treatise commonly known as Bracton (De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae). The problematics of my research relies mostly on identifying such material things as possessions, taking part in a variety of socio-cultural relations and contexts.

My research interests are mainly, but not exclusively, on aristocratic culture and insular romances from Twelfth and Thirteenth centuries (texts and contexts), medieval discourses on gender and sexuality, power relations, social status, sensitivities, the body and the archaeology of constructed spaces. Manuscript studies are also of great interest!

Education/Academic qualification

Master of Arts, “Sore ich me ofdrede, heo wolde Horn misrede”: Um estudo comparativo da sexualidade feminina no Romance of Horn (1170) e em King Horn (1225), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Award Date: 1 Jan 2011

Bachelor of Arts, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Award Date: 1 Jan 2008


  • D111 Medieval History
  • HQ The family. Marriage. Woman
  • PN0441 Literary History
  • PR English literature
  • PQ Romance literatures


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