12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Gerhard Schnyder with the persons below:
Magnus Ryner
- European & International Studies - Professor of International Political Economy
- International Political Economy
- Critical European Studies
Person: Member, Academic
Nahee Kang
- Political Economy and Institutions
- International Development - Senior Lecturer in Political Economy of Emerging Markets
- Global Production, Finance and Labour Research Group
- Global Capitalism, Power and Uneven Development Research Group
Person: Member, Academic
Scott James
- Public Policy and Regulation
- Political Economy - Reader in Political Economy
Person: Member, Academic
Andreas Kornelakis
- Strategy, Intl Mgt & Entrepreneurship - Reader in Comparative Management
Person: Academic
Adam Chalmers
Roberto Roccu
- International Political Economy
- Contemporary Marxism
- European & International Studies - Reader in International Political Economy
Person: Member, Academic
Gregory Jackson
Howard Gospel
Christel Koop
- Public Policy and Regulation
- Political Economy - Professor of Political Economy
Person: Member, Academic
Alex Callinicos