12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Guillermo Suarez de Tangil Rotaeche with the persons below:
Jide Edu
Lorenzo Cavallaro
Xavier Ferrer Aran
Fabio Pierazzi
- Informatics - Senior Lecturer in Computer Science (Cybersecurity)
- Cybersecurity
- KCL Cybersecurity Centre
- Security Hub
Person: Member, Academic
Jose Such
- Cybersecurity
- KCL Cybersecurity Centre
- Informatics - Professor of Computer Science
- Security Hub
Person: Member, Academic
Mudhi Aljamea
Bashir Al-Hashimi, ARM Professor of Computer Engineering
- Vice-Chancellor's Senior Team - Vice President (Research & Innovation)
Person: Academic
Luca Viganò
- Informatics - Professor of Computer Science
- KCL Cybersecurity Centre
- Security Hub
- Health Hub
- Finance Hub
- Trusted Autonomous Systems Hub
- Cybersecurity
Person: Member, Academic
Natalia Criado Pacheco