Personal profile
Biographical details
Captain Henk Warnar joined the Dutch Navy in 1984, served on several submarines and frigates and had postings at the MOD and NATO Maritime Command in Northwood. Warnar graduated at the Naval War College, Newport in 2010 and holds a master degree in Public Administration. Since June 2019 he is associate professor in Naval Strategy at the Netherlands Defence Acadamy and director of the Dutch Seapower Course. Henk is married to Tina, they live in Haarlem and have three sons Max, Koen and Huub.
My research is addressing the question how in period 1892-1940 naval thinking in the Netherlands developed and why it made sense. The particular strategic question at hand was how to defend the Netherlands East Indies (NEI) against Japanese aggression. It will describe how previous war experiences and naval theory enabled professional debate and how this debate was structured by principles of maritime warfare. These principles helped to envisage the future war and to construct possible strategies. World War I and the establishment of the Dutch Senior War College turned out to be pivotal events to mature naval professionalism.
External positions
Associate Professor Netherlands Defense Academy
1 Jun 2019 → …