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Jia Gao


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Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy


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  • 1 Similar Profiles
  • Supernova Model Discrimination with Hyper-Kamiokande

    Collaboration, H-K., :, Abe, K., Adrich, P., Aihara, H., Akutsu, R., Alekseev, I., Ameli, F., Anghel, I., Anthony, L. H. V., Antonova, M., Araya, A., Asaoka, Y., Ashida, Y., Aushev, V., Ballester, F., Bandac, I., Barbi, M., Barr, G., Batkiewicz-Kwasniak, M., & 433 othersBellato, M., Berardi, V., Bergevin, M., Bernard, L., Bernardini, E., Berns, L., Bhadra, S., Bian, J., Blanchet, A., Blaszczyk, F. D. M., Boiano, A., Bolognesi, S., Bonavera, L., Booth, N., Borjabad, S., Boschi, T., Bose, D., Boyd, S. . B., Bozza, C., Bravar, A., Bravo-Berguño, D., Bronner, C., Bubak, A., Buchowicz, A., Avanzini, M. B., Cafagna, F. S., Calabria, N. F., Calvo-Mozota, J. M., Cao, S., Catanesi, M. G., Cebriàn, S., Chabera, M., Checchia, C., Choubey, S., Cicerchia, M., Collazuol, G., Cowan, G., Cuen-Rochin, S., Danilov, M., Lopez, G. D., Fuente, E. D. L., Perio, P. D., Rosa, G. D., Dealtry, T., Densham, C. J., Dergacheva, A., Deshmukh, N., Devi, M. M., Lodovico, F. D., Meo, P. D., Palma, I. D., Drakopoulou, E., Drapier, O., Dumarchez, J., Dunne, P., Dziewiecki, M., Eklund, L., Hedri, S. E., Ellis, J., Emery, S., Esmaili, A., Esteve, R., Evangelisti, A., Fedotov, S., Fernandez, P., Fernández-Martinez, E., Ferrario, P., Ferrazzi, B., Feusels, T., Finley, C., Fiorentini, A., Fiorillo, G., Fitton, M., Frankiewicz, K., Friend, M., Fujii, Y., Fukuda, Y., Galinski, G., Gao, J., Garde, C., Garfagnini, A., Garode, S., Gialanella, L., Giganti, C., Gomez-Cadenas, J. J., Gonin, M., González-Nuevo, J., Gorin, A., Gornea, R., Gousy-Leblanc, V., Gramegna, F., Grassi, M., Grella, G., Guigue, M., Gumplinger, P., Hadley, D. R., Harada, M., Hartfiel, B., Hartz, M., Hassani, S., Hastings, N. C., Hayato, Y., Hernando-Morata, J. A., Herrero, V., Hiraide, K., Hirota, S., Holin, A., Horiuchi, S., Hoshina, K., Hultqvist, K., Iacob, F., Ichikawa, A. K., Ibnsalih, W. I., Iijima, T., Ikeda, M., Inomoto, M., Inoue, K., Insler, J., Ioannisian, A., Ishida, T., Ishidoshiro, K., Ishino, H., Ishitsuka, M., Ito, H., Ito, S., Itow, Y., Iwamoto, K., Izmaylov, A., Izumi, N., Izumiyama, S., Jakkapu, M., Jamieson, B., Jang, J. S., Jeon, S. H., Jonsson, P., Joo, K. K., Kajita, T., Kakuno, H., Kameda, J., Kano, Y., Kalaczynski, P., Karlen, D., Kasperek, J., Kataoka, Y., Kato, A., Katori, T., Kazarian, N., Kearns, E., Khabibullin, M., Khotjantsev, A., Kikawa, T., Kikec, M., Kinoshita, T., Kisiel, J., Klekotko, A., Kobayashi, T., Koch, L., Koga, M., Koerich, L., Kolev, N., Konaka, A., Kormos, L. L., Koshio, Y., Korzenev, A., Kotsar, Y., Kouzakov, K. A., Kowalik, K. L., Kravchuk, L., Kryukov, A. P., Kudenko, Y., Kumita, T., Kurjata, R., Kutter, T., Kuze, M., Kwak, K., Commara, M. L., Labarga, L., Lagoda, J., James, M. L., Lamoureux, M., Laveder, M., Lavitola, L., Lawe, M., Learned, J. G., Leitner, R., Lezaun, V., Lim, I. T., Lindner, T., Litchfield, R. P., Longhin, A., Loverre, P., Ludovici, L., Maekawa, Y., Magaletti, L., Magar, K., Makida, Y., Malek, M., Malinský, M., Marchi, T., Maret, L., Mariani, C., Marinelli, A., Martens, K., Marti, L., Marzec, J., Matsubara, T., Matsumoto, R., Matsuno, S., Matusiak, M., Mazzucato, E., McCarthy, M., McCauley, N., McElwee, J., McGrew, C., Mefodiev, A., Medhi, A., Mellet, L., Menjo, H., Mermod, P., Metelko, C., Mezzetto, M., Migenda, J., Migliozzi, P., Mijakowski, P., Miki, S., Minakata, H., Minamino, A., Mine, S., Mineev, O., Mitra, A., Miura, M., Moharana, R., Mollo, C. M., Mondal, T., Mongelli, M., Monrabal, F., Moon, D. H., Moon, C. S., Mora, F. J., Moriyama, S., Mueller, T. A., Munteanu, L., Murase, K., Nagao, Y., Nakadaira, T., Nakagiri, K., Nakahata, M., Nakai, S., Nakajima, Y., Nakamura, K., Nakamura, KI., Nakamura, H., Nakano, Y., Nakaya, T., Nakayama, S., Nakayoshi, K., Machado, L. N., Naseby, C. E. R., Navarro-Garcia, B., Needham, M., Nicholls, T., Niewczas, K., Nishimura, Y., Noah, E., Nova, F., Nugent, J. C., Nunokawa, H., Obrebski, W., Ochoa-Ricoux, J. P., Ogawa, N., Ogitsu, T., Ohta, K., Okamoto, K., O'Keeffe, H. M., Okumura, K., Onishchuk, Y., Orozco-Luna, F., Oshlianskyi, A., Ospina, N., Ostrowski, M., O'Sullivan, E., Ovsiannikova, T., Oyama, Y., Ozaki, H., Pac, M. Y., Paganini, P., Palladino, V., Paolone, V., Pari, M., Parsa, S., Pasternak, J., Pastore, C., Pastuszak, G., Pavin, M., Peña-Garay, C., Pidcott, C., Guerra, E. P., Playfer, S., Pointon, B. W., Popov, B., Porwit, K., Posiadala-Zezula, M., Poutissou, J. -M., Pozimski, J., Pronost, G., Prouse, N. W., Przewlocki, P., Quilain, B., Radicioni, E., Radics, B., Rajda, P. J., Rescigno, M., Retiere, F., Ricciardi, G., Riccio, C., Richards, B., Rondio, E., Roskovec, B., Roth, S., Rott, C., Rountree, S. D., Rubbia, A., Ruggeri, A. C., Ruggles, C., Russo, S., Rychter, A., Ryu, D., Sakashita, K., Samani, S., Sánchez, F., Sánchez, M. L., Sanchez, M. C., Sano, S., Santos, J. D., Santucci, G., Sarmah, P., Sashima, I., Sato, K., Seiya, Y., Sekiguchi, T., Sekiya, H., Seo, J. W., Seo, S. H., Sgalaberna, D., Shaikhiev, A., Shan, Z., Shaykina, A., Shimizu, I., Shinoki, M., Shiozawa, M., Sinnis, G., Skrobova, N., Skwarczynski, K., Smy, M. B., Sobczyk, J., Sobel, H. W., Soler, F. J. P., Sonoda, Y., Spina, R., Spisso, B., Spradlin, P., Stankevich, K. L., Stawarz, L., Stellacci, S. M., Stopa, K., Studenikin, A. I., Gómez, S. L. S., Suganuma, T., Suvorov, S., Suwa, Y., Suzuki, S. Y., Suzuki, Y., Svirida, D., Svoboda, R., Taani, M., Tada, M., Takeda, A., Takemoto, Y., Takenaka, A., Taketa, A., Takeuchi, Y., Takhistov, V., Tanaka, H., Tanaka, H. A., Tanaka, H. I., Tanaka, M., Tashiro, T., Thiesse, M., Tomatani-Sánchez, A. K., Tortone, G., Tsui, K. M., Tsukamoto, T., Tzanov, M., Uchida, Y., Vagins, M. R., Valder, S., Valentino, V., Vasseur, G., Vijayvargi, A., Vilela, C., Vinning, W. G. S., Vivolo, D., Vladisavljevic, T., Vogelaar, R. B., Vyalkov, M. M., Wachala, T., Wark, D., Wascko, M. O., Wendell, R. A., Wilkes, R. J., Wilking, M. J., Wronka, S., Xie, Z., Xin, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Yanagisawa, C., Yano, T., Yen, S., Yershov, N., Yeum, D. N., Yokoyama, M., Yonenaga, M., Yu, I., Zakrzewski, T., Zaldivar, B., Zalipska, J., Zaremba, K., Zarnecki, G., Ziembicki, M., Zietara, K., Zito, M., Zsoldos, S. & Wilson, J., 20 Jul 2021, In: ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 916, 1, 15.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    42 Citations (Scopus)
    105 Downloads (Pure)
  • On the Cyclic Regularities of Strings

    Ajala, O. I., Alshammary, M. H., Alzamel, M. A. M., Gao, J., Iliopoulos, C., Radoszewski, J., Rytter, W. & Watson, B., 15 May 2019, Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations - AIAI 2019 IFIP WG 12.5 International Workshops: MHDW and 5G-PINE 2019, Proceedings. Maglogiannis, I., Iliadis, L., MacIntyre, J. & Pimenidis, E. (eds.). Springer, Vol. 560. p. 219-224 5 p. (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; vol. 560).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperpeer-review

  • Efficient Computation of Palindromes in Sequences with Uncertainties Extension Version

    Alzamel, M. A. M., Liu, C., Gao, J. & Iliopoulos, C., 2018, In: FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE. 163, 3, p. 253-266

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • On overabundant words and their application to biological sequence analysis

    Almirantis, Y., Charalampopoulos, P., Gao, J., Iliopoulos, C. S., Mohamed, M., Pissis, S. P. & Polychronopoulos, D., 12 Sept 2018, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Theoretical Computer Science.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Citation (Scopus)
    187 Downloads (Pure)
  • Efficient Computation of Palindromes in Sequences with Uncertainties

    Alzamel, M., Gao, J., Iliopoulos, C. S., Liu, C. & Pissis, S. P., 2 Aug 2017, (E-pub ahead of print) Engineering Applications of Neural Networks: 18th International Conference, EANN 2017, Athens, Greece, August 25--27, 2017, Proceedings. Boracchi, G., Iliadis, L., Jayne, C. & Likas, A. (eds.). Cham: Springer International Publishing Switzerland, Vol. 744. p. 620-629 10 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingOther chapter contributionpeer-review

    4 Citations (Scopus)