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Karthik Karuppaiah


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Research interests

Consultant Upper Limb Surgeon, King's College Hospital


Additional Publications Prior to King's:

  1. Karthik K, Mayilvahanan Natarajan, Unstable Trochanteric Fractures in Elderly Osteoporotic Patients: Role of Primary Hemiarthroplasty. Orthopaedic Surgery 2012;4:89–93. PMID: 22615153.
  2. SK Khan, Karthik Karuppaiah, AS Bajwa. The influence of process and patient factors on the recall of consent information in mentally competent patients undergoing surgery for neck of femur fractures. Annals of Royal College of Surgeons of England 2012,94:308-312.
  3.  Karthik K, Nanda R, Stothard J. Recurrent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome––Analysis of the Impact of Patient Personality in Altering Functional Outcome Following a Vascularised Hypothenar Fat Pad Flap Surgery. Journal of Hand and Microsurgery. (January–June 2012) 4(1):1–6. PMID: 23730080.
  4. Karthik K, Nanda R, Stothard J. Severe ulnar nerve entrapment at the elbow - Functional outcome after minimally invasive in- situ decompression. Journal of Hand Surgery (European). February 2012 37: 115-122. PMID: 21914694.
  5.  Karthik K, Aarthi S, Gordon-Dixon A. Schwannoma of the infra-patellar branch of saphenous nerve presenting with Antero-medial knee pain and tibial metaphyseal bone defect. Journal of Knee Surgery. 2013 Dec;26 Suppl 1:S30-3. PMID: 23288730
  6.  Karthik K, Kamath V, Rangan A. Restoration of medial hinge in acute complex proximal humeral fractures using intra-medullary strut allograft. Shoulder and Elbow (Official journal of British Elbow and Shoulder Society); 2011; 3, pp 95–99.
  7. Karthik K Aarthi S. Expansile lytic lesion of the calcaneum mimicking plantar fascitis, Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery. 2011 Jun;17(2):e25-7. PMID: 21549967
  8. Karthik K, Ajoy Prasad shetty, Rajasekaran S. Spontaneous cord transection due to Invasive aspergillus spondylitis in an immunocompetent child. Published online in European Spine Journal, 2011 Jul;20 Suppl 2:S188-92. PMID: 20596734.
  9. Karthik K, S.R. Sundararajan, J.  Dheenadhayalan, S. Rajasekaran, Incongruent reduction following post traumatic hip dislocations as an indicator of intra articular loose bodies - A prospective study of 117 dislocations. Indian Journal of orthopaedics. Jan 2011, Vol 45; 1; 33-38. PMID: 2122122
  10. S. Rajasekaran, K. Karthik, V. Ravi Chandra, N. Rajkumar, J.  Dheenadhayalan, Role of intraoperative navigation in percutaneous excision of Osteoid Osteoma of long bones in children. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics B: March 2010 - Volume 19 - Issue 2 - pp 195-200. PMID: 19952798.
  11. 1. Karuppaiah Karthik, Jason Lau, Joydeep Sinha, Adel Tavakkolizadeh. Scapular spine stress fractures: To fix or not to fix, our experience in a patient with bilateral fractures and review of the literature. International Journal of Shoulder Surgery - Jul-Sep 2014 / Vol 8 / Issue 3, 90-93 
  12. 2. Sri D, Karthik K, Compson J, Adel Tavakkolizadeh. Intercompartmental giant lipoma of the arm- a case report. Orthopaedic Surgery 7(1) 74-76


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