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Multicentre prospective single-blind wait-list randomised controlled trial, with nested pilot, of the clinical value and economic evaluation of an online physical and emotional wellbeing resource for the improvement of health-related quality of life in people with chronic kidney disease - “The Kidney Beam Trial”
Bramham, K. (Primary Investigator)
1/05/2023 → 30/04/2024
Project: Research
MEND-AKI: Assessment of Endothelial Glycocalyx Dysfunction and Impaired Microcirculatory Perfusion During Cardiac Surgery to Improve Prediction of Post-operative Acute Kidney Injury and Understanding of Pathophysiological Mechanisms.
Bramham, K. (Primary Investigator) & Joslin, J. (Co-Investigator)
1/11/2021 → 30/04/2024
Project: Research
DYNAMic renal assessment: nOvel methods to assess KIDNEY functional reserve (DYNAMO KIDNEY)
Bramham, K. (Primary Investigator), Kelly, C. (Co-Investigator) & Sharpe, C. (Co-Investigator)
1/10/2021 → 31/03/2023
Project: Research
HIDDEN: Health Inequalities in kiDney Disease, mEeting the urgent Need to identify early disease in high-risk communities.
Bramham, K. (Primary Investigator), Ayis, S. (Co-Investigator) & Molokhia, M. (Co-Investigator)
1/09/2021 → 31/12/2024
Project: Research
Assessment of Point of CaRe creatinine testing In pregnancy: a feasibility COhort sTudy in Zimbabwe
Bramham, K. (Primary Investigator) & Shennan, A. (Co-Investigator)
1/10/2020 → 31/12/2022
Project: Research
Identification of biomarkers in systemic lupus erythematosus using urinary proteomics: improving prediction and diagnosis of pre-eclampsia
Chappell, L. (Primary Investigator), Bramham, K. (Co-Investigator), Khamashta, M. (Co-Investigator), Mistry, H. (Co-Investigator), Seed, P. (Co-Investigator) & academic, A. (Co-Investigator)
1/01/2012 → 30/06/2013
Project: Research
Superimposed pre-eclampsia: evaluation of diagnostic and predictive markers in women with chronic kidney disease
Bramham, K. (Primary Investigator), Chappell, L. (Primary Investigator), Mistry, H. (Co-Investigator), Poston, L. (Co-Investigator) & Seed, P. (Co-Investigator)
1/08/2011 → 31/07/2013
Project: Research
Understanding, predicting and diagnosing adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with chronic hypertension
Chappell, L. (Primary Investigator), Poston, L. (Primary Investigator), Bramham, K. (Co-Investigator) & academic, A. (Co-Investigator)
NIHR National Institute For Health & Care Research
1/09/2009 → 31/10/2014
Project: Research
Understanding, predicting and diagnosing adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with chronic hypertension
Bramham, K. (Primary Investigator)
1/08/2009 → 31/07/2012
Project: Research
Understanding the impact and pathogenesis of pre-existing proteninuria in pregnancy
Bramham, K. (Primary Investigator), Chappell, L. (Co-Investigator), Morris, R. (Co-Investigator), Poston, L. (Co-Investigator) & Thompson, A. (Co-Investigator)
1/08/2009 → 31/07/2012
Project: Research