No photo of Louise Izatt

Louise Izatt

Hon Clinical Lecturer, Dr

  • 12183

Personal profile

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals

Education/Academic qualification

Medicine, Bachelor of Arts, Medicine and Biological Anthropology

1 Sept 198531 Aug 1988

Award Date: 31 Aug 1988

Medicine, PhD in Molecular Cancer Genetics, University of London

… → 2000

Medicine, MBBChir Medicine, University of Cambridge

1 Sept 198831 Aug 1991

External positions

Consultant in Clinical Genetics, GSTT Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust

1 Jul 2002 → …


  • RZ Other systems of medicine
  • Clinical Genetics
  • Cancer Genetics


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  • 1 Similar Profiles
  • 26 Citations (Scopus)
  • Association of Genomic Domains in BRCA1 and BRCA2 with Prostate Cancer Risk and Aggressiveness

    Patel, V. L., Busch, E. L., Friebel, T. M., Cronin, A., Leslie, G., McGuffog, L., Adlard, J., Agata, S., Agnarsson, B. A., Ahmed, M., Aittomäki, K., Alducci, E., Andrulis, I. L., Arason, A., Arnold, N., Artioli, G., Arver, B., Auber, B., Azzollini, J. & Balmaña, J. & 243 others, Barkardottir, R. B., Barnes, D. R., Barroso, A., Barrowdale, D., Belotti, M., Benitez, J., Bertelsen, B., Blok, M. J., Bodrogi, I., Bonadona, V., Bonanni, B., Bondavalli, D., Boonen, S. E., Borde, J., Borg, A., Bradbury, A. R., Brady, A., Brewer, C., Brunet, J., Buecher, B., Buys, S. S., Cabezas-Camarero, S., Caldés, T., Caliebe, A., Caligo, M. A., Calvello, M., Campbell, I. G., Carnevali, I., Carrasco, E., Chan, T. L., Chu, A. T. W., Chung, W. K., Claes, K. B. M., Collaborators, G. S., Collaborators, E., Cook, J., Cortesi, L., Couch, F. J., Daly, M. B., Damante, G., Darder, E., Davidson, R., de la Hoya, M., Puppa, L. D., Dennis, J., Díez, O., Ding, Y. C., Ditsch, N., Domchek, S. M., Donaldson, A., Dworniczak, B., Easton, D. F., Eccles, D. M., Eeles, R. A., Ehrencrona, H., Ejlertsen, B., Engel, C., Evans, D. G., Faivre, L., Faust, U., Feliubadaló, L., Foretova, L., Fostira, F., Fountzilas, G., Frost, D., García-Barberán, V., Garre, P., Gauthier-Villars, M., Géczi, L., Gehrig, A., Gerdes, A.-M., Gesta, P., Giannini, G., Glendon, G., Godwin, A. K., Goldgar, D. E., Greene, M. H., Gutierrez-Barrera, A. M., Hahnen, E., Hamann, U., Hauke, J., Herold, N., Hogervorst, F. B. L., Honisch, E., Hopper, J. L., Hulick, P. J., Investigators, K., Investigators, H., Izatt, L., Jager, A., James, P., Janavicius, R., Jensen, U. B., Jensen, T. D., Johannsson, O. T., John, E. M., Joseph, V., Kang, E., Kast, K., Kiiski, J. I., Kim, S.-W., Kim, Z., Ko, K.-P., Konstantopoulou, I., Kramer, G., Krogh, L., Kruse, T. A., Kwong, A., Larsen, M., Lasset, C., Lautrup, C., Lazaro, C., Lee, J., Lee, J. W., Lee, M. H., Lemke, J., Lesueur, F., Liljegren, A., Lindblom, A., Llovet, P., Lopez-Fernández, A., Lopez-Perolio, I., Lorca, V., Loud, J. T., Ma, E. S. K., Mai, P. L., Manoukian, S., Mari, V., Martin, L., Matricardi, L., Mebirouk, N., Medici, V., Meijers-Heijboer, H. E. J., Meindl, A., Mensenkamp, A. R., Miller, C., Gomes, D. M., Montagna, M., Mooij, T. M., Moserle, L., Mouret-Fourme, E., Mulligan, A. M., Nathanson, K. L., Navratilova, M., Nevanlinna, H., Niederacher, D., Nielsen, F. C. C., Nikitina-Zake, L., Offit, K., Olah, E., Olopade, O. I., Ong, K.-R., Osorio, A., Ott, C.-E., Palli, D., Park, S. K., Parsons, M. T., Pedersen, I. S., Peissel, B., Peixoto, A., Pérez-Segura, P., Peterlongo, P., Petersen, A. H., Porteous, M. E., Pujana, M. A., Radice, P., Ramser, J., Rantala, J., Rashid, M. U., Rhiem, K., Rizzolo, P., Robson, M. E., Rookus, M. A., Rossing, C. M., Ruddy, K. J., Santos, C., Saule, C., Scarpitta, R., Schmutzler, R. K., Schuster, H., Senter, L., Seynaeve, C. M., Shah, P. D., Sharma, P., Shin, V. Y., Silvestri, V., Simard, J., Singer, C. F., Skytte, A.-B., Snape, K., Solano, A. R., Soucy, P., Southey, M. C., Spurdle, A. B., Steele, L., Steinemann, D., Stoppa-Lyonnet, D., Stradella, A., Sunde, L., Sutter, C., Tan, Y. Y., Teixeira, M. R., Teo, S. H., Thomassen, M., Tibiletti, M. G., Tischkowitz, M., Tognazzo, S., Toland, A. E., Tommasi, S., Torres, D., Toss, A., Trainer, A. H., Tung, N., van Asperen, C. J., van der Baan, F. H., van der Kolk, L. E., van der Luijt, R. B., van Hest, L. P., Varesco, L., Varon-Mateeva, R., Viel, A., Vierstrate, J., Villa, R., von Wachenfeldt, A., Wagner, P., Wang-Gohrke, S., Wappenschmidt, B., Weitzel, J. N., Wieme, G., Yadav, S., Yannoukakos, D., Yoon, S.-Y., Zanzottera, C., Zorn, K. K., D'Amico, A. V., Freedman, M. L., Pomerantz, M. M., Chenevix-Trench, G., Antoniou, A. C., Neuhausen, S. L., Ottini, L., Nielsen, H. R. & Rebbeck, T. R., 1 Feb 2020, In: Cancer Research. 80, 3, p. 624-638 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    38 Citations (Scopus)
  • Cancer Variant Interpretation Group UK (CanVIG-UK): An exemplar national subspecialty multidisciplinary network

    Garrett, A., Callaway, A., Durkie, M., Cubuk, C., Alikian, M., Burghel, G. J., Robinson, R., Izatt, L., Talukdar, S., Side, L., Cranston, T., Palmer-Smith, S., Baralle, D., Berry, I. R., Drummond, J., Wallace, A. J., Norbury, G., Eccles, D. M., Ellard, S. & Lalloo, F. & 5 others, Evans, D. G., Woodward, E., Tischkowitz, M., Hanson, H. & Turnbull, C., 1 Dec 2020, In: Journal of Medical Genetics. 57, 12, p. 829-834 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    33 Citations (Scopus)
  • Prostate Cancer Risks for Male BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers: A Prospective Cohort Study

    Nyberg, T., Frost, D., Barrowdale, D., Evans, D. G., Bancroft, E., Adlard, J., Ahmed, M., Barwell, J., Brady, A. F., Brewer, C., Cook, J., Davidson, R., Donaldson, A., Eason, J., Gregory, H., Henderson, A., Izatt, L., Kennedy, M. J., Miller, C. & Morrison, P. J. & 12 others, Murray, A., Ong, K.-R., Porteous, M., Pottinger, C., Rogers, M. T., Side, L., Snape, K., Walker, L., Tischkowitz, M., Eeles, R., Easton, D. F. & Antoniou, A. C., Jan 2020, In: European Urology. 77, 1, p. 24-35 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    149 Citations (Scopus)
  • Psychosocial effects of whole-body MRI screening in adult high-risk pathogenic TP53 mutation carriers: a case-controlled study (SIGNIFY)

    Bancroft, E. K., Saya, S., Brown, E., Thomas, S., Taylor, N., Rothwell, J., Pope, J., Chamberlain, A., Page, E., Benafif, S., Hanson, H., Dias, A., Mikropoulos, C., Izatt, L., Side, L., Walker, L., Donaldson, A., Cook, J. A., Barwell, J. & Wiles, V. & 13 others, Limb, L., Eccles, D. M., Leach, M. O., Shanley, S., Gilbert, F. J., Gallagher, D., Rajashanker, B., Whitehouse, R. W., Koh, D.-M., Sohaib, S. A., Evans, D. G., Eeles, R. A. & Walker, L. G., Apr 2020, In: Journal of Medical Genetics. 57, 4, p. 226-236 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    18 Citations (Scopus)