Projects per year
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Improving kidney failure risk calculations in ethnically diverse populations
Molokhia, M. (Primary Investigator), Ayis, S. (Co-Investigator), Boulding, H. (Co-Investigator), Bramham, K. (Co-Investigator), Lim, K. K. (Co-Investigator), Parmar, D. (Co-Investigator) & Steinhofel, K. (Co-Investigator)
NIHR National Institute For Health & Care Research
1/05/2024 → 31/10/2025
Project: Research
Using AI to understand how preventative interventions can improve the health of children in the UK and reduce winter pressures on the NHS
Chapman, M. (Primary Investigator), Ashworth, M. (Co-Investigator), Becares, L. (Co-Investigator), Boulding, H. (Co-Investigator), Curcin, V. (Co-Investigator), Harding, S. (Co-Investigator), Molokhia, M. (Co-Investigator), Morgan, C. (Co-Investigator), Parmar, D. (Co-Investigator), Poston, L. (Co-Investigator) & Wolfe, I. (Co-Investigator)
HDR UK Health Data Research UK
1/01/2023 → 30/09/2023
Project: Research
Improving identification of familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH)
Molokhia, M. (Primary Investigator)
NIHR National Institute For Health & Care Research
1/10/2022 → 30/09/2024
Project: Research
Hairdressing salons to promote NHS online application (App) to reduce underdiagnosis of breast cancers among women in London’s deprived and ethnically diverse neighbourhoods: a feasibility study
Molokhia, M. (Primary Investigator), Harding, S. (Co-Investigator) & L’Esperance, V. (Co-Investigator)
1/04/2022 → 30/09/2023
Project: Research
Hairdressing salons to promote web-based intervention to reduce under-diagnosis of cardiovascular risk factors among women in London’s deprived and ethnically diverse neighbourhoods: a feasibility study
Molokhia, M. (Primary Investigator), Ayis, S. (Co-Investigator), Coultas, C. (Co-Investigator), Curcin, V. (Co-Investigator), Goff, L. (Co-Investigator), Harding, S. (Co-Investigator) & L’Esperance, V. (Co-Investigator)
NIHR National Institute For Health & Care Research
1/03/2022 → 31/12/2024
Project: Research
DRIVE Health CDT - Genotype to phenotype studies of inherited metabolic liver diseases using human iPSCs
Molokhia, M. (Primary Investigator), Curcin, V. (Co-Investigator), Dobson, R. (Co-Investigator) & Thompson, R. (Co-Investigator)
1/10/2021 → 30/09/2024
Project: Research
DRIVE Health CDT - Genotype to phenotype studies of inherited metabolic liver diseases using human iPSCs
Molokhia, M. (Primary Investigator), Curcin, V. (Co-Investigator), Dobson, R. (Co-Investigator) & Thompson, R. (Co-Investigator)
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
1/10/2021 → 30/09/2024
Project: Research
HIDDEN: Health Inequalities in kiDney Disease, mEeting the urgent Need to identify early disease in high-risk communities.
Bramham, K. (Primary Investigator), Ayis, S. (Co-Investigator) & Molokhia, M. (Co-Investigator)
1/09/2021 → 31/12/2024
Project: Research
Continuity and quality of medication prescribing at transitions of care
Redmond, P. (Primary Investigator), Gulliford, M. (Co-Investigator), Molokhia, M. (Co-Investigator) & Prasad, V. (Co-Investigator)
1/08/2020 → 30/07/2023
Project: Research
What are safe prescribing practices for Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) and risks for renal disease in patients with osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA)?
Molokhia, M. (Primary Investigator), Bunce, C. (Co-Investigator) & Dregan, A. (Co-Investigator)
1/10/2017 → 30/09/2019
Project: Research
Improving the monitoring and analysis of harm outcome in phase II and III pharmacology trials to facilitate early detection of adverse drug reactions (ADRs)
Phillips, R. (Primary Investigator) & Molokhia, M. (Co-Investigator)
1/10/2017 → 30/09/2020
Project: Research
What are the optimal cardiovascular risk assessment and cardiovascular risk reduction strategies among patients diagnosed with specific inflammatory disorders?
Dregan, A. (Primary Investigator), Chowienczyk, P. (Co-Investigator), Gulliford, M. (Co-Investigator), Molokhia, M. (Co-Investigator) & Wang, Y. (Co-Investigator)
1/10/2017 → 30/09/2019
Project: Research
Targeted statistical methods for translational precision medicine: dealing with overfitting and heterogeneity
Coolen, T. (Primary Investigator) & Molokhia, M. (Co-Investigator)
1/01/2017 → 31/12/2017
Project: Research
Improving the monitoring and analysis of harm outcomes in phase II and III pharmacology trials to facilitate early detection of adverse drug reactions (ADRs)
Phillips, R. (Primary Investigator), Molokhia, M. (Co-Investigator) & Taylor, D. (Co-Investigator)
1/10/2016 → 30/09/2019
Project: Research
Personalised prescribing intervention in primary care for patients taking anticoagulant medication to prevent bleeding: a randomised feasibility study
Molokhia, M. (Primary Investigator), Ashworth, M. (Co-Investigator), Curcin, V. (Co-Investigator), Gulliford, M. (Co-Investigator), Parkin, D. (Co-Investigator), Vadillo, M. (Co-Investigator), Wang, Y. (Co-Investigator), Wolfe, C. (Co-Investigator) & Wright, A. (Co-Investigator)
1/10/2016 → 30/09/2018
Project: Research
Facilitating the return to work of NHS staff with common mental health disorders: a feasibility study
McCrone, P. (Primary Investigator), Hatch, S. (Co-Investigator) & Molokhia, M. (Co-Investigator)
NIHR National Institute For Health & Care Research
1/09/2016 → 30/04/2019
Project: Research
The role of protein glycosylation in disease comorbidity (GlycoMor)
Molokhia, M. (Primary Investigator)
1/04/2016 → 31/03/2020
Project: Research
GlycoMor - The role of protein glycosylation in disease comorbidity
Molokhia, M. (Primary Investigator)
1/01/2016 → 31/12/2018
Project: Research
Developing improved signal detection methods to detect adverse drug reactions in electronic health records using time-to-event analysis
Cornelius, V. (Primary Investigator), Dregan, A. (Co-Investigator), Gulliford, M. (Co-Investigator), Molokhia, M. (Co-Investigator) & Taylor, D. (Co-Investigator)
1/04/2015 → 1/04/2018
Project: Research
Delivering personalised care for patients taking anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs in secondary care
Molokhia, M. (Primary Investigator), Cornelius, V. (Co-Investigator), Davies, G. (Co-Investigator), Delaney, B. (Co-Investigator), Gulliford, M. (Co-Investigator), Patel, J. (Co-Investigator), Wolfe, C. (Co-Investigator) & Wright, A. (Co-Investigator)
1/08/2014 → 31/07/2016
Project: Research
Translating risk prediction for Drug Induced Liver Injury (DILI) from electronic and genetic data into clinical care
Molokhia, M. (Primary Investigator)
1/01/2012 → 31/12/2015
Project: Research
International Consortium on Hypersensitivity and Liver Injury Phase 2 pharmacogenomic studies (IDILIC)
Molokhia, M. (Primary Investigator)
iSAEC international Serious Adverse Event Consortium
1/01/2011 → 30/06/2013
Project: Research
NIHR Biomedical Research Centre
Afzali, B. (Primary Investigator), Antoniou, M. (Primary Investigator), Barker, J. (Primary Investigator), Barratt, B. (Primary Investigator), Beighton, D. (Primary Investigator), Bevan, S. (Primary Investigator), Blower, P. (Primary Investigator), Burchell, J. (Primary Investigator), Cason, J. (Primary Investigator), Chappell, L. (Primary Investigator), Cope, A. (Primary Investigator), Corrigan, C. (Primary Investigator), Cunninghame Graham, D. (Primary Investigator), Dontu, G. (Primary Investigator), Edgeworth, J. (Primary Investigator), Farzaneh, F. (Primary Investigator), Gee, T. (Primary Investigator), Gould, H. (Primary Investigator), Green, P. (Primary Investigator), Greenough, A. (Primary Investigator), Grigoriadis, A. (Primary Investigator), Hayday, A. (Primary Investigator), Higginson, I. (Primary Investigator), Kalra, L. (Primary Investigator), Karagiannis, S. (Primary Investigator), Kelly, F. (Primary Investigator), Kemper, C. (Primary Investigator), Lau-Walker, M. (Primary Investigator), Lavender, P. (Primary Investigator), Lee, T. (Primary Investigator), Lempp, H. (Primary Investigator), Lewis, C. (Primary Investigator), Lombardi, G. (Primary Investigator), Lord, G. (Primary Investigator), Marber, M. (Primary Investigator), Mason, J. (Primary Investigator), Mathew, C. (Primary Investigator), McGrath, J. (Primary Investigator), Metcalfe, A. (Primary Investigator), Molokhia, M. (Primary Investigator), Mullen, G. (Primary Investigator), Nagel, E. (Primary Investigator), Neil, S. (Primary Investigator), Nestle, F. (Primary Investigator), Oakey, R. (Primary Investigator), Parker, P. (Primary Investigator), Peakman, M. (Primary Investigator), Perera, D. (Primary Investigator), Purushotham, A. (Primary Investigator), Rasekh Ahmadi, K. (Primary Investigator), Rashid, T. (Primary Investigator), Razavi, R. (Primary Investigator), Ridley, A. (Primary Investigator), Robson, M. (Primary Investigator), Sacks, S. (Primary Investigator), Sanchez Fueyo, A. (Primary Investigator), Santis, G. (Primary Investigator), Sanz Moreno, V. (Primary Investigator), Sawyer, E. (Primary Investigator), Schaeffter, T. (Primary Investigator), Shah, A. (Primary Investigator), Sharpe, P. (Primary Investigator), Simpson, M. (Primary Investigator), Smith, R. (Primary Investigator), Sorinola, I. (Primary Investigator), Spector, T. (Primary Investigator), Spicer, J. (Primary Investigator), Taams, L. (Primary Investigator), Tavassoli, M. (Primary Investigator), Taylor, D. (Primary Investigator), Tree, T. (Primary Investigator), Trembath, R. (Primary Investigator), Tribe, R. (Primary Investigator), Tutt, A. (Primary Investigator), Waltham, M. (Primary Investigator), Watt, F. (Primary Investigator), Webb, A. (Primary Investigator), Wells, C. (Primary Investigator), Whelan, K. (Primary Investigator), Whitaker, J. (Primary Investigator), Whittlesea, C. (Primary Investigator), Williamson, C. (Primary Investigator), Wolfe, C. (Primary Investigator), Yu, V. (Primary Investigator), academic, A. (Primary Investigator), Hughes, S. (Co-Investigator), Montana, G. (Co-Investigator), Rhode, K. (Co-Investigator), Schnabel, J. (Co-Investigator) & Tziotzios, C. (Co-Investigator)
NIHR National Institute For Health & Care Research, DHSC Department of Health and Social Care
1/04/2007 → 31/03/2017
Project: Research