Projects per year
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Irene – Conflict Resolution through Classical Literature
AHRC Arts and Humanities Research Council
1/07/2024 → 1/12/2024
Project: Research
Not started
Conflict Resolution Training sessions with indigenous women activists in Amazonia (Brazil)
AHRC Arts and Humanities Research Council
1/12/2024 → 28/11/2025
Project: Research
Conflict Resolution through Classical Literature
AHRC Arts and Humanities Research Council
1/11/2018 → 31/10/2022
Project: Research
Stone into Text - Epitaphic Gestures in Latin Poetry.
Dinter, M., Mouritsen, H. & Roueche, C.
1/09/2008 → 31/08/2011
Project: Research
Proxima Poetis: ancient historiography and the Imperial Latin Poets - Conference University of Virginia, USA.
11/04/2008 → 12/04/2008
Project: Research
Empowering the curriculum - communicative competence and the role of grammar
1/10/2007 → 30/09/2009
Project: Research