12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Matthew Glencross with the persons below:
Michael Carter-Sinclair
Huw Dylan
- War Studies - Reader in Intelligence and International Security
- King's Centre for the Study of Intelligence
Person: Member, Academic
David Easter
- King's Centre for the Study of Intelligence
- War Studies - Senior Lecturer in War Studies
Person: Member, Academic
David Edgerton
- History - Professor of Modern British History & Hans Rausing Profess
Person: Academic
Lara Feigel
- Centre for Life Writing Research
- Centre for Modern Literature and Culture
- English Language & Literature - Professor of Modern Literature and Culture
Person: Member, Academic
Katherine Howells
Michael Kandiah
- Political Economy - Lecturer in Contemporary British History & Director of OHP
- British Politics and Government
Person: Member, Academic
Francesco Milan
Chris Murray