Personal profile

Biographical details

Michael’s research relates primarily to learner engagement, novel learning environments and immersive experiences in digital education. Michael is passionate about education and has a keen interest in learning about the world. Michael has a particular interest in learner engagement, and he mentors academics on several digital tools and approaches. He is a peer reviewer for a range of national and international journals including Interactive Learning Environments. He regularly speaks at national and international conferences, and has been keynote speaker at an international conference on learning innovations in Pretoria. He has an academic background in a wide range of disciplines (Digital Education, Physics, Geography, International Politics, English). 

Michael is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and a Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society. He holds a BSc in Physics from Bristol University and won a silver medal in the national Physics Olympiad. He also has an MA with distinction in International Politics, and has previously worked at the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London. He has taught and worked in China, Prague, the Middle East, the USA and Rwanda in Central Africa. He has also travelled widely, visiting a hundred and fifty countries - the majority of the world's countries. He has also studied Academic Practice at the University of London, and has a Cambridge University accredited CELTA teaching qualification. 

He convenes the university wide Virtual Reality Interest Group which has involved speakers from academia and industry. His research relates broadly to learner engagement and to learning environments. He has led on writing a number of successful funding bids related to this, and organised research for a number of projects related to learning environments. 

Michael has worked in higher education for more than a decade, managing large scale events, projects and budgets. He has helped coordinate four conferences, of which two were major international conferences related to pedagogy. Michael is an Apple accredited video editor, and has produced video content. He is adept in the use and mentoring of a range of learning technologies, and has built and run several websites. 


Michael leads on the design and provision of a number of university-wide courses for academics, and has given lectures to postgraduates on digital education. He presently teaches and mentors lecturers on classroom technology. He also supports the implementation of King’s Learning and Teaching Strategy, and provides expertise in relation to curriculum design and development. Further, he investigates the problems and complexities of technology-enhanced learning practice and provides appropriate educational and technical guidance and advice to colleagues.  

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 13 - Climate Action


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