8 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Michele Gaio with the persons below:
Marta Castro Lopez
Riccardo Sapienza
Driton Vllasaliu
- Institute of Pharmaceutical Science - Reader in Biotherapeutics Delivery
- London Centre for Nanotechnology
Person: Member, Academic
Ciro Chiappini
Person: Member, Academic
Jean-Sebastien Bouillard
Mark Green
- Photonics & Nanotechnology Group
- Physics - Professor of Nano Imaging
- London Centre for Nanotechnology
Person: Member, Academic
Aliaksandra Rakovich
- Photonics & Nanotechnology Group
- London Centre for Nanotechnology
- Physics - Senior Lecturer in Physics
Person: Member, Academic
David Richards
- Photonics & Nanotechnology Group
- Physics - Professor of Physics
- London Centre for Nanotechnology
Person: Member, Academic