Projects per year
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The effect of migration and urbanisation on brain structure and function, and mental health
Schumann, G., Barker, G., Desrivieres, S., Manning, N. & Rose, N.
1/04/2017 → 31/03/2019
Project: Research
Preventing urbanization-related mental disorders in adolescents
Schumann, G., Abas, M., Desrivieres, S., Iyengar, U., Manning, N. & academic, A.
1/04/2017 → 31/03/2020
Project: Research
Championing Social Science for Mental Health: Applying Social Science Theory and Methods to Life Course Research on Mental Health
Morgan, C., Hatch, S. & Manning, N.
1/01/2017 → 31/12/2019
Project: Research
Mental Health, Migration and the Chinese Mega-City
Manning, N., Boermel, A. & Rose, N.
ESRC Economic and Social Research Council
1/01/2016 → 31/12/2018
Project: Research
Therapeutic Boarding Schools in the USA: A Social Justice Analysis
1/10/2015 → 30/09/2018
Project: Research
Defining Quality Home Care for People with Dementia: A Mixed-Methods study
NIHR National Institute For Health & Care Research
1/07/2015 → 31/10/2017
Project: Research
Recovery, Hope and Conviviality. Mental Health in Three Communities
Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness
1/06/2015 → 31/01/2016
Project: Research