Odinaldo Rodrigues
- Reasoning and Planning
- Informatics - Reader in Artificial Intelligence
Person: Member, Academic
Elena Simperl
- Distributed Artificial Intelligence
- Informatics - Professor of Computer Science
Person: Member, Academic
Sanjay Modgil
- Informatics - Reader in Artificial Intelligence
- Planning
- Reasoning and Planning
- Security Hub
Person: Member, Academic
Elizabeth Black
- Trusted Autonomous Systems Hub
- Informatics - Professor of Artificial Intelligence
- Reasoning and Planning
Person: Member, Academic
Jesus Dominguez Alvarez
- Population Health Sciences - Research Fellow in Clinical Trials Informatics
Person: Research
Martim Cristina De Serpa Brandao
- Informatics - Lecturer in Robotics and Autonomous Systems
- Security Hub
Person: Member, Academic
Maria Polukarov
- Distributed Artificial Intelligence
- Informatics - Reader in Computer Science
Person: Member, Academic
Bart De Keijzer
- Informatics - Senior Lecturer in Computer Science
- Distributed Artificial Intelligence
Person: Member, Academic
Peter McBurney
Person: Member, Academic
Carmine Ventre
- Informatics - Chair in Computational Finance
- Finance Hub
- Distributed Artificial Intelligence
Person: Member, Academic
Michael Luck
- Informatics - Professor of Computer Science
- Trusted Autonomous Systems Hub
- Distributed Artificial Intelligence
Person: Member, Academic
Jose Such
- Cybersecurity
- KCL Cybersecurity Centre
- Informatics - Professor of Computer Science
- Security Hub
Person: Member, Academic
Francesca Toni
External person
Francis J. Ruiz
- Imperial College London
- LSHTM London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
External person
Ara Darzi
- Imperial College London
- Univ London Imperial Coll Sci Technol & Med, Imperial College London, St Marys Hosp, Ctr Hlth Policy, Dept Surg & Canc
- Univ London Imperial Coll Sci Technol & Med, Imperial College London, St Marys Hosp, Dept Surg & Canc, Clin Safety Res Unit
- Univ London Imperial Coll Sci Technol & Med, Imperial College London, St Marys Hosp, Clin Safety Res Unit, Dept Surg & Canc,QEQM
- Department of Pharmacology, St. Mary's Hospital Medical School, London, U.K.
- Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
External person
Andria Stylianou
External person
Ara Darzi
- Imperial College London
- Department of Pharmacology, St. Mary's Hospital Medical School, London, U.K.
External person
Michelle Seng Ah Lee
- Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge
External person
Kristijonas Cyras
External person