Projects per year
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Improving clinical quality in psychosis services: a training evaluation
Jolley, S. (Primary Investigator), Garety, P. (Co-Investigator), Gill, E. (Co-Investigator), Greenough, A. (Co-Investigator), Kuipers, E. (Co-Investigator), O'Neill, B. (Co-Investigator), Onwumere, J. (Co-Investigator), Reynolds, P. (Co-Investigator) & Waller, H. (Co-Investigator)
1/01/2013 → 30/06/2014
Project: Research
Healthcare E-Learning Provision for Stakeholders (HELPS): Training NHS educators to deliver effective online health education resources.
Greenough, A. (Primary Investigator), Donaldson, N. (Co-Investigator), Hatzipanagos, S. (Co-Investigator), Jolley, S. (Co-Investigator), Reynolds, P. (Co-Investigator) & academic, A. (Co-Investigator)
1/01/2012 → 31/12/2014
Project: Research
REWIND: Refections of immersive- Worlds Internationally in Dentistry
Reynolds, P. (Primary Investigator)
1/09/2011 → 31/08/2012
Project: Research
Creating Haptics for Online Innovative Collaborative Environments - CHOICE
Reynolds, P. (Primary Investigator)
1/01/2011 → 31/12/2013
Project: Research
Improving access to preparatory information for children undergoing general anaesthesia for surgical dental procedures and their families
Therese Hosey, M. (Primary Investigator), Donaldson, N. (Co-Investigator), Newton, T. (Co-Investigator) & Reynolds, P. (Co-Investigator)
NHS Service and Delivery Organisation
1/04/2010 → 31/05/2013
Project: Research
GOLIATH (global online innovative application of technology in healthcare)
Gallagher, J. (Primary Investigator), Reynolds, P. (Primary Investigator) & academic, A. (Co-Investigator)
31/03/2010 → 30/03/2012
Project: Research
HapTEL: HAPtic Technology Enhanced Learning
Cox, M. (Primary Investigator), Dunne, S. (Co-Investigator), Elson, B. (Co-Investigator), Hindmarsh, J. (Co-Investigator), Louca, C. (Co-Investigator), Millar, B. (Co-Investigator), Newton, T. (Co-Investigator), Quinn, B. (Co-Investigator), Reynolds, P. (Co-Investigator), Robinson, B. (Co-Investigator), Wilson, N. (Co-Investigator), Woolford, M. (Co-Investigator) & academic, A. (Co-Investigator)
ESRC Economic and Social Research Council
1/04/2007 → 30/06/2011
Project: Research
Extending speciality expertise by the development of distributed learning materials through a flexible learning platform (IVIDENT - International Virtual Dental School)
Reynolds, P. (Primary Investigator) & Wilson, N. (Primary Investigator)
GSTT Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, KCH King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
23/03/2007 → 22/03/2010
Project: Research
Provident Regional Postgraduate Video Conference Project.
Reynolds, P. (Primary Investigator)
Thames Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education
1/01/1999 → 31/12/1999
Project: Research