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PRECOGNITION: Learning latent cognitive profiles to predict psychosis
1/05/2023 → 30/04/2026
Project: Research
NIHR Senior Investigator award
NIHR National Institute For Health & Care Research
1/04/2023 → 31/03/2027
Project: Research
Developing an Enriched Package of Social and Community Interventions for People with Psychosis
Morgan, C., Das-Munshi, J., Dazzan, P. & Kienzler, H.
1/01/2023 → 31/03/2025
Project: Research
Hotopf, M., Brose, L., Brown, J., Chalder, T., Cleare, A., Coleman, J., Cunningham, J., Dazzan, P., Deluca, P., Desrivieres, S., Di Forti, M., Dobson, R., Drummond, C., Dutta, R., Egerton, A., Emsley, R., Gilchrist, G., Gillett, A., Goadsby, P., Happe, F., Hirsch, C., Hoffmann, J., Ismail, K., Koutsouleris, N., Lewis, C., Marsden, J., McAlonan, G., McNeill, A., Mehta, M., Mondelli, V., Moran, R., Moss-Morris, R., Neale, J., Pariante, C., Pile, V., Powell, T., Robson, D., Rucker, J., Schmidt, U., Sonuga-Barke, E., Stahl, D., Stewart, R., Strang, J., Sweeney, A., Turkheimer, F., Vassos, E., Wong, C., Wykes, T., Young, A., Zahn, R. & Zelaya, F.
NIHR National Institute For Health & Care Research
1/12/2022 → 30/11/2027
Project: Research
Mind & Skin: Understanding the neurocutaneous axis in atopic eczema
Flohr, C., Arichi, T., Dazzan, P., Douiri, A., Pariante, C., Robinson, E., Rubia, K., Taams, L., Vigilante, A. & Wood, T.
1/06/2022 → 31/05/2027
Project: Research
The impact of social isolation on aging health in schizophrenia
NIH National Institutes of Health
15/08/2022 → 31/05/2024
Project: Research
SHAPER: Scaling-up Health-Arts Programmes: Implementation and Effectiveness Research
Pariante, C., Dazzan, P., Ray Chaudhuri, K., Bakolis, I., Healey, A., Davis, R., Soukup , T. & Sevdalis, N.
1/10/2019 → 31/12/2023
Project: Research
Normative brain charting for predicting and stratifying psychosis
1/10/2019 → 1/01/2023
Project: Research
BIPP: Brain, Immunity and Psychopathology following very Preterm birth
Nosarti, C., Edwards, D., Hajnal, J., Counsell, S., Simonoff, E., Pariante, C., Dazzan, P. & Pickles, A.
1/09/2019 → 31/08/2023
Project: Research
The Impact of Early Adversity on Trajectories of Brain Maturation and Mental Health in Young Adolescents
Dazzan, P., Morgan, C., Schumann, G., Pariante, C., Nosarti, C., Mehta, M. & Harding, S.
1/10/2018 → 30/09/2022
Project: Research
Testing cortisol awakening response as stratification biomarker for anti-glucocorticoid treatment in patients with recent onset psychosis
Mondelli, V., Dazzan, P., Pariante, C. & Young, A.
1/09/2017 → 31/08/2019
Project: Research
Neurobiological Determinants of Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Demjaha, A., Dazzan, P. & McGuire, P.
15/01/2017 → 14/01/2019
Project: Research
Identifying gene expression and neuroimaging markers for postpartum psychosis
Fuste Boadella, M., Dazzan, P., Mondelli, V. & Pariante, C.
1/01/2017 → 31/12/2018
Project: Research
Bio-REACH: The biology of Risk, Resilience, Ethnicity and AdolesCent Mental Health
Dazzan, P., Harding, S., McGuire, P., Mehta, M., Mondelli, V., Montana, G., Morgan, C., Nosarti, C. & Pariante, C.
15/10/2016 → 15/10/2020
Project: Research
Identifying gene expression and neuroimaging markers for postpartum psychosis
Fuste Boadella, M., Dazzan, P., Mondelli, V. & Pariante, C.
1/08/2016 → 4/08/2017
Project: Research
Neurobiology of psychotic negative symptoms and of their response to treatmentDefining the role of IL-17
Demjaha, A., Dazzan, P. & McGuire, P.
1/12/2015 → 30/11/2019
Project: Research
Randomised, placebo-controlled trial of Omega-3 fatty acids in pregnant women at risk of postpartum psychosis
Dazzan, P., Howard, L., Landau, S., Pariante, C. & Patel, M.
1/11/2015 → 31/10/2018
Project: Research
Immune Mechanisms in Psychiatric diseases: from systematic Analysis of Cohorts to Therapy (IMPACT)
1/10/2015 → 31/12/2020
Project: Research
Understanding immune activation in severe mental illnesses: are current clinical diagnostic categories relevant for future drug treatment?
Mondelli, V., Cattaneo, A., Dazzan, P. & Pariante, C.
1/10/2015 → 30/09/2017
Project: Research
The neurobiology of trauma-related and induced dissociation: A resting-state MRI study in (dissociative) PTSD and healthy controls
Reinders, S., Barker, G., Dazzan, P. & Zelaya, F.
1/07/2015 → 30/06/2017
Project: Research
Turkheimer, F., Dazzan, P., Pariante, C. & Vernon, A.
1/03/2015 → 28/02/2020
Project: Research
Pariante, C., Barker, G., Cash, D., Cattaneo, A., Dazzan, P., Egeland, M., Mondelli, V., Turkheimer, F., Tylee, A. & Zunszain, P.
1/03/2015 → 29/02/2020
Project: Research
Using stress-related biomarkers to predict clinical outcomes in first episode psychosis
Mondelli, V., Cattaneo, A., Dazzan, P., Murray, R., Pariante, C. & Zunszain, P.
1/11/2014 → 31/10/2016
Project: Research
Biological, social and clinical predictors of suicidal behaviour in first episode psychosis
Mondelli, V., Cattaneo, A., Dazzan, P., Murray, R., Pariante, C. & Zunszain, P.
1/11/2014 → 31/10/2016
Project: Research
Developing a biomarkets-based tool to predict treatment response in first-episode psychosis
Mondelli, V., Cattaneo, A., Dazzan, P., McGuire, P., Pariante, C. & Zunszain, P.
1/10/2014 → 30/09/2017
Project: Research
Translating neuroimaging findings from research into clinical practice - PSYSCAN
McGuire, P., Brammer, M., Dazzan, P., Fusar-Poli, P., Kempton, M. & Mechelli, A.
1/02/2014 → 31/07/2021
Project: Research
Neurobiological predictors of Persistent Negative Symptoms in medication naive first episode psychosis sample
Demjaha, A., Dazzan, P. & McGuire, P.
1/01/2014 → 31/12/2017
Project: Research
Inflammation and Psychosis : translating research findings into clincal practice
Mondelli, V., Bhattacharyya, S., Cattaneo, A., Dazzan, P., Howes, O., McGuire, P., Pariante, C., Turkheimer, F. & Zunszain, P.
1/01/2014 → 31/12/2017
Project: Research
Neurobiological predictors of Persistent Negative Symptoms in medication naive first episode psychosis sample
Demjaha, A., Dazzan, P. & McGuire, P.
1/12/2013 → 31/12/2018
Project: Research
Inflammation and psychosis : translating research findings into clinical practise
Mondelli, V., Bhattacharyya, S., Cattaneo, A., Dazzan, P., Howes, O., McGuire, P., Pariante, C., Turkheimer, F. & Zunszain, P.
1/12/2013 → 30/11/2018
Project: Research
Neurobiological predictors of Persistent Negative Symptoms in medication naive first episode psychosis sample
Demjaha, A., Dazzan, P. & McGuire, P.
1/12/2013 → 31/12/2018
Project: Research
Inflammation and psychosis: translating findings on biological mechanisms into clinical practice
Mondelli, V., Cattaneo, A., Dazzan, P., McGuire, P., Pariante, C. & Zunszain, P.
1/11/2013 → 30/10/2016
Project: Research
Dissecting brain inflammation in depression : Integrating behaviour,PET,MRS,MRI,cytokines and transcriptomics
Pariante, C., Barker, G., Cleare, A., Dazzan, P., Dobson, R., Hayday, A., Hotopf, M., Howes, O., Kapur, S., Pickles, A., Rabiner, E., Taylor, M., Turkheimer, F. & Tylee, A.
1/10/2013 → 30/09/2016
Project: Research
In search of the right medication for psychosis
Mondelli, V., Dazzan, P., McGuire, P. & Pariante, C.
1/09/2013 → 1/09/2014
Project: Research
Identifying molecular predictors of treatment response in first-episode psychosis
Mondelli, V., Dazzan, P., McGuire, P. & Pariante, C.
1/08/2013 → 1/08/2015
Project: Research