Professor McGuire studied physiology and medicine at the University of Edinburgh, then worked as a research fellow in primate neuroanatomy at Yale University with Patricia Goldman-Rakic. After clinical training in psychiatry at the Maudsley hospital, he was a Wellcome Research Fellow at the MRC Cyclotron Unit, Hammersmith Hospital with Chris Frith, then worked with Robin Murray as a Senior Lecturer, Reader and Professor in the Department of Psychological Medicine at the Institute of Psychiatry in London.
Research Interests
My research is focused on determining the neurocognitive basis of psychosis and using this as a basis for developing new assessment and treatments for psychotic disorders. Much of this work includes large scale multi-modal studies that involve close collaboration with networks of academic and industrial partners, such as EU-GEI, NEUTOP, OPTIMISE and PSYSCAN and STRATA.
Key papers
- McGuire, P.K., Bates, J., Goldman-Rakic, P.S. (1991) Interhemispheric integration I: Symmetry and convergence of the cortico-cortical connections of the left and right principal sulcus (PS) and the left and right supplementary motor area (SMA) in the rhesus monkey. Cerebral Cortex 1: 390-407
- McGuire, P.K., Syed, G.M.S., Murray, R.M. (1993) Increased blood flow in Broca's area during auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia. Lancet 342: 703-706
- Wright, I.C., McGuire, P.K., Poline, J-B., Travere, J.M., Murray, R.M., Frackowiak, R.S.J., Friston, K.J. (1995) A voxel-based method for the statistical analysis of grey and white matter density applied to schizophrenia. Neuroimage 2: 244-252
- McGuire, P.K., Silbersweig, D.A., Wright, I., Murray, R.M., David, A.S., Frackowiak, R., Frith, C.D. (1995) Abnormal perception of inner speech: a physiological basis for auditory hallucinations. Lancet 346: 596-600
- Johns, L., McGuire, P.K. (1999) Verbal self-monitoring and auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia. Lancet 353: 469-470
- Shergill, S S; Brammer, M J; Williams, S C; Murray, R M; McGuire, P K (2000) Mapping auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Archives of General Psychiatry vol.57 no.11 pp.1033
- Kircher, T; Liddle, P F; Brammer, M; Andrew, C; Murray, R M; McGuire, P K (2001) "Neural correlates of formal thought disorder in schizophrenia: preliminary findings from a functional magnetic resonance imaging study" Archives of General Psychiatry vol.58 no.8 pp.769 - 774
- Pantelis, C., Velakoulis, D., McGorry, P., Wood, S, Suckling, J., Phillips, L., Yung, A., Bullmore, E., Desmond, P., McGuire, P.K. (2003) Neuroanatomical abnormalities in people who develop psychosis. Lancet 361: 281-288
- Bhattacharyya, S; Fusar-Poli, P; Borgwardt, S; Martin-Santos, R; Nosarti, Chiara; O'Carroll, C; Allen, P; Fletcher, P., Crippa, J.; Atakan, Z; McGuire, P. (2009) "Modulation of Mediotemporal and Ventrostriatal Function by Delta 9-THC: A Neural Basis for the Effects of Cannabis sativa on Psychosis" Archives of General Psychiatry 66: 442 - 451
- Howes, O; Bose, S.; Turkheimer, F.; Valli, I.; Egerton, A.; Stahl, D.; Valmaggia, L.; Allen, P.; Murray, R.; McGuire, P. (2011) "Progressive increase in striatal dopamine synthesis capacity as patients develop psychosis: a PET study" Molecular Psychiatry 16: 885 – 886
- Stone JM, Day F, Tsagaraki H, Valli I, McLean MA, Barker GJ, McGuire P. (2009) Glutamate dysfunction in people with prodromal symptoms of psychosis: relationship to gray matter volume. Biological Psychiatry 66:533-9.
- Stone JM, Howes OD, Egerton A, Kambeitz J, Allen P, O'Gorman RL, Barker GJ, McGuire P. (2010) Altered relationship between hippocampal glutamate levels and striatal dopamine function in subjects at ultra high risk of psychosis. Biological Psychiatry. 68:599-602.
- Fusar-Poli, P, Howes , O, Allen , P, Broome, M, Valli, I, Asselin, M-C, Grasby, P, McGuire, P. (2011) Altered prefrontal activation directly related to striatal dopamine dysfunction in people with prodromal symptoms of schizophrenia. Molecular Psychiatry 16:67-75.
- Mechelli, A; Riecher-Roessler, A; Meisenzahl, E.; Tognin, S; Wood, S.; Borgwardt, S.; Yung, A.; McGorry, P.; Pantelis, C; McGuire, P. (2011) "Neuroanatomical Abnormalities That Predate the Onset of Psychosis A Multicenter Study" Arch Gen Psych 68: 489 - 495
- Fusar-Poli, Paolo; Bonoldi, Ilaria; Yung, Alison R.; Borgwardt, Stefan; Kempton, Matthew J.; Valmaggia, Lucia; McGuire, Philip (2012) "Predicting Psychosis Meta-analysis in Individuals at High Clinical Risk" Archives of General Psychiatry 69: 220 – 229
- Egerton, A; Demjaha, A., Murray, R., Kapur, S., Stone, James M, McGuire, P. (2013) Antipsychotic treatment resistance in schizophrenia associated with elevated glutamate levels but normal dopamine function. Biological Psychiatry, (In Press)
Neurobiology of psychosis.