Projects per year
- 5 Finished
Search results
An in vivo reporter of CLN3 subcellular expression
Cooper, J. (Primary Investigator), Tear, G. (Primary Investigator) & Tuxworth, R. (Primary Investigator)
1/10/2012 → 30/09/2015
Project: Research
Animal models of neurodegenerative disease: Cln7
Tear, G. (Primary Investigator), Cooper, J. (Co-Investigator) & Tuxworth, R. (Co-Investigator)
1/04/2011 → 31/03/2014
Project: Research
Investigation of the functional pathways underlying Batten disease
Tear, G. (Primary Investigator), Cooper, J. (Co-Investigator) & Tuxworth, R. (Co-Investigator)
1/01/2011 → 31/12/2013
Project: Research
The cellular basis of Juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipfuscionsis; the response of synapses to oxidative stress
Tuxworth, R. (Primary Investigator)
1/01/2011 → 30/09/2011
Project: Research
Synaptic changes in neurodegenerative disease: the role of oxidative stress
Tuxworth, R. (Primary Investigator)
1/10/2010 → 30/09/2016
Project: Research