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DNA Based Assays for Assessment of Measurable Residual Disease in AML
Dillon, R. (Primary Investigator)
1/08/2022 → 31/07/2023
Project: Research
Immunogenicity of proteasome-generated spliced peptides derived from fusion-genes in childhood acute and chronic myeloid leukaemia
Mishto, M. (Primary Investigator) & Dillon, R. (Co-Investigator)
1/08/2022 → 31/07/2023
Project: Research
Molecular characterisation of patients with NPM1mutated acute myeloid leukaemia who enter deep remission without intensive chemotherapy: scientific correlates of the VICTOR trial.
Dillon, R. (Primary Investigator)
1/09/2021 → 31/08/2024
Project: Research
Identifying genetic and epigenetic changes underlying pediatric acute myeloid leukemia progression
Dillon, R. (Primary Investigator)
QNRF Qatar National Research Fund
1/07/2021 → 1/07/2024
Project: Research
AMADEUS: A Double-Blind, Phase III, Randomised Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of Oral Azacitidine (CC-486) Versus Placebo in Subjects with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia or Myelodysplastic Syndromes as Maintenance after Allogeneic Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Dillon, R. (Primary Investigator)
3/06/2020 → 27/01/2024
Project: Research
An international randomised phase 3 clinical trial in children with acute myeloid leukaemia (MyeChild01)
Dillon, R. (Primary Investigator)
7/02/2017 → 9/06/2018
Project: Research
Understanding heterogeneity of treatment response in standard risk acute myeloid leukaemia
Dillon, R. (Primary Investigator), Grimwade, D. (Primary Investigator) & Solomon, E. (Primary Investigator)
1/11/2016 → 30/04/2021
Project: Research
Molecular tracking of treatment response in paediatric AML
Dillon, R. (Primary Investigator) & Grimwade, D. (Primary Investigator)
1/04/2016 → 15/09/2022
Project: Research