A database of virtual healthy subjects
to assess the accuracy of foot-to-foot pulse wave velocities for estimation of aortic stiffness

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While central (carotid-femoral) foot-to-foot pulse wave velocity (PWV) is considered to be the gold standard for the estimation of aortic arterial stiffness, peripheral foot-to-foot PWV (brachial-ankle, femoral-ankle, carotid-radial) are being studied as substitutes of this central measurement. We present a novel methodology to assess theoretically these computed indices and the hemodynamics mechanisms relating them. We created a database of 3320 virtual healthy adult subjects using a validated one-dimensional model of the arterial hemodynamics, with cardiac and arterial parameters varied within physiological healthy ranges. For each virtual subject, foot-to-foot PWV were computed from numerical pressure waveforms at the same locations where clinical measurements are commonly taken. Our numerical results confirm clinical observations: (i) carotid-femoral PWV is a good indicator of aortic stiffness, and correlates well with aortic PWV; (ii) brachial-ankle PWV over-estimates aortic PWV and is related to the stiffness and geometry of both elastic and muscular arteries; (iii) muscular PWV (carotid-radial, femoral-ankle) do not capture the stiffening of the aorta and should therefore not be used as a surrogate for aortic stiffness. In addition, our analysis highlights that the foot-to-foot PWV algorithm is sensitive to the presence of reflected waves in late diastole, which introduce errors in the PWV estimates. In this study, we have created a database of virtual healthy subjects which can be used to assess theoretically the efficiency of physiological indices based on pulse wave analysis.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)H663–H675
Number of pages13
Issue number4
Early online date15 Aug 2015
Publication statusPublished - 15 Aug 2015


  • brachial-ankle PWV
  • carotid-femoral PWV
  • numerical 1D model
  • aortic stiffness
  • database of virtual subjects


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