A preliminary study to investigate the potential of plasma screen technology in small group teaching for dental undergraduates

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AIM: This preliminary study was devised to ascertain whether students considered that they had an adequate view of demonstrated procedures, while observing these directly at the workbench, or indirectly on a remote plasma screen. In addition, this study sought to identify whether the students observing remotely believed that they had been disadvantaged by the inability to question the demonstrator during the demonstration. METHODS: Seventeen students divided into two groups observed a live demonstration of a laboratory technical procedure either at the workbench, or remotely at a plasma screen with the aid of video cameras. They subsequently observed a second demonstration with the roles reversed. Questionnaires were used to obtain the students' views of their ability to see and interact with the demonstrator. RESULTS: The responses of the students observing the demonstration at the plasma screen indicated that (they felt that) they were able to see the demonstration more clearly than those observing at the workbench. Those observing at the plasma screen first, in particular indicated this. The majority of students acknowledged their inability to ask questions while observing at the plasma screen. There was overwhelming support for the idea that the plasma screen should be used to complement the demonstration at the workbench. CONCLUSION: Plasma screen technology has considerable potential as a teaching tool for small groups of students, where it can afford significantly superior views of practical procedures. The students considered that the plasma screen would be best employed to provide close-up views to supplement a live demonstration. When used remotely, the apparatus may be used more satisfactorily if videoconferencing technology is also employed to facilitate interaction with the demonstrator
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)136 - 142
Number of pages7
JournalEuropean Journal of Dental Education
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2003


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