A review of T-s/VI remote sensing based methods for the retrieval of land surface energy fluxes and soil surface moisture

G. Petropoulos, T. N. Carlson, M. J. Wooster, S. Islam

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252 Citations (Scopus)


Imagery from remote sensing systems, often combined with ancillary ground information, is able to provide repetitive, synoptic views of key parameters characterizing land surface interactions, including surface energy fluxes and surface soil moisture. Differing methodologies using a wide range of remote sensing data have been developed for this purpose. Approaches vary from purely empirical to more complex ones, including residual methods and those that have their basis in the biophysical properties characterizing a two-dimensional T-s/VI (surface temperature/vegetation index) scatterplot domain derived from remote sensing observations. The present article aims to offer a comprehensive and systematic review of this latter group of methods, which differ in terms of the complexity and assumptions they entail as well as their requirement for field-based and other ancillary data. Prior to the review, the biophysical meanings and properties encapsulated in the T-s/VI feature space is elucidated, since these represent the building block upon which all the T-s/VI methods described herein are based. The overview of the T-s/VI methods is also very timely, as one such method is being scheduled in the operational retrieval of surface soil moisture content by the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS), in a series of satellite platforms due to be launched in the next 12 years starting from 2016.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)224 - 250
Number of pages27
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2009


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