A scientific creativity test for secondary school students

W P Hu, P Adey

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This study describes the development of a test of scientific creativity for use with secondary school students. A Scientific Creativity Structure Model (SCSM) was constructed on the basis of an analysis of meanings and aspects of scientific creativity found in the literature. 50 science teachers in China took part in an initial evaluation of this model. On the basis of their analyses and comments, and drawing on the experience of the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, a 7-item scale for measuring scientific creativity of secondary school students was developed and validated through analyses of item response data of 160 secondary school students in England. Item analyses were conducted to check on item discrimination, internal consistency, agreement between scorers, construct-related validity, and face validity. Analysis showed adequate reliabilities and validities. As an example of how the test might be used, data from the pilot use of the test were used to investigate the relative scientific creativity of students of different age and ability level. The results indicated that for this trial sample, the scientific creativity of secondary school students increases with increase in age, and science ability is a necessary but not sufficient condition for scientific creativity. Further work is also suggested.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)389 - 403
Number of pages15
JournalInternational Journal of Science Education
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2002


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