An inter-firm perspective on market, brand, and entrepreneurial orientation: The influence on performance

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperpeer-review


International firms depend on external collaborations due to limited internal resources. In this work, we investigate how firms collaborate with business partners in their market and branding orientation activities. Prior research shows that both these orientations have a major strategic importance, but the role of inter-firm collaborations has not been thoroughly studied. Using responses from 232 inter-national firms based in Sweden, this study advances the understanding of the international inter-firm market and brand orientation and how these constructs influence firm performance. This work also
115ABstrACts oF ACCEPtEd ContrIButIonsappraises the mediation effect of inter-firm entrepreneurial orientation on the firm performance. All in all, the results show that both inter-firm market and brand orientation positively influence international firm’s performance, but only when mediated by inter-firm entrepreneurial orientation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of European International Business Academy
EditorsBarbara Jankowska, Anna Matysek-Jedrych, Katarzyna Mroczek-Dabrowska
Publication statusPublished - 13 Dec 2018
Event44th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy - Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poznan, Poland
Duration: 13 Dec 201815 Dec 2018


Conference44th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy


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