Analysing the pattern of pulse waves in arterial networks: a time-domain study

Jordi Alastruey, K. H. Parker, J. Peiro, S. J. Sherwin

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85 Citations (Scopus)
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Theoretical study of the haemodynamic mechanisms underlying the shape of the blood pressure waveform in the human arterial network. It presents a new algorithm to study pulse wave reflections, which play a key role in hypertension and cardiovascular disease. By following all reflected waves using a 1-D model in the time domain, it is possible to study much more complex vessel networks than with conventional methods. Alastruey wrote the manuscript and developed the algorithm, and was awarded a BHF fellowship on the basis of this work. Citations show it's use in numerical and clinical studies on arterial haemodynamics.


Validation, for the first time, of the one-dimensional (1-D) equations of blood flow in visco-elastic vessels by comparison against direct measurements in an experimental 1:1 replica of the human arterial network. Alastruey ran all numerical simulations using his own code and wrote the manuscript. This study forms the basis of an EPSRC grant on hypertension awarded to the department and a PhD project. Other groups worldwide have used it to validate their 1-D solvers and justify the use of the computationally-cheap 1-D formulation to study clinically relevant problems; e.g. physical contributors to hypertension and disease diagnosis by pulse wave analysis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)331-351
Number of pages21
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2009


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