Are ‘healthy cohorts’ real-world relevant? Comparing the national child development study (NCDS) with the ONS longitudinal study (LS)

Gemma Archer, Wei W. Xun, Rachel Stuchbury, Owen Nicholas, Nicola Shelton

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5 Citations (Scopus)


Comparisons between cohort studies and nationally representative ‘real-world’ samples are limited. The NCDS (1958 British birth cohort) follows those born in Britain in a single week in March 1958 (n=18,558); and the ONS Longitudinal Study (LS) contains linked census data and life events for a 1% sample of the population of England and Wales (> 1 million records; allowing for sub-samples by age, ethnicity, or other socio-demographic factors). Common country-and age-matched socio-demographic variables were extracted from the closest corresponding time-points, NCDS 55-year survey in 2013 (n=8107) and LS respondents aged 55 in 2011 (n=7052). Longitudinal associations between socio-demographic exposures (from the NCDS 46-survey in 2004 and LS respondents aged 45 in 2001) and long-term limiting illness (from NCDS 2013 and LS respondents 2011, aged 55) were assessed using logistic regression. The NCDS 55-year sample had similar characteristics to LS respondents aged 55 for sex and marital status, but the NCDS sample had lower levels of long-term limiting illness (19.7% vs 22.8%), non-white ethnicity (2.1% vs 11.7%) and living in South England (46.9% vs 50.1%), and higher levels of full-time employment (61.2% vs 55.2%), working in professional/higher managerial occupations (35.7% vs 29.2%), and living with a spouse (69.1% vs 64.9%), all p<0.001. Nevertheless, longitudinal associations between socio-demographic exposures and long-term limiting illness were similar in the NCDS and LS samples (all tests of between-study heterogeneity in mutually adjusted models p>0.09) suggesting these NCDS findings are largely generalisable to the population of England and Wales.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)307-330
Number of pages24
JournalLife Course and Longitudinal Studies
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2020


  • Attrition
  • Census
  • Cohort study
  • Loss to follow-up
  • Representativeness


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