Assessment of Young People's Exposure to Alcohol Marketing in Audiovisual and Online Media

Eleanor Winpenny, Sunil Patil, Marc Elliott, Lidia Villalba, Saba Hinrichs, Theresa Marteau, Ellen Nolte

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Drawing on a range of methodological approaches, work presented in this report provides  a quantitative exposure assessment using viewership and advertising data and an analysis of  alcohol portrayals in television advertising in the UK, the Netherlands and Germany,  alongside an exploration of exposure to online alcohol advertising in the UK. Findings of  this work seek to inform the development of effective regulatory policies (including selfregulation) to protect young people. The findings also inform approaches for monitoring  changes over time and enable comparative work, between and within populations
Original languageEnglish
JournalEuropean Commission
Issue numberSeptember
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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