B cells in human lymphoid structures

Lucia Montorsi, Jacqueline Siu, Jo Spencer*

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Most B cells in the human body are present in tissues where they support immune responses to pathogens, vaccines, autoantigens and tumours. Despite their clear importance they are very difficult to study and there are many areas of uncertainty that are difficult resolve because of limited tissue access.

In this review we consider the zonal structure of lymphoid tissues, the B cell subsets they contain, and how these are regulated. We also discuss the impact that methods of deep interrogation have made on our current knowledge base, especially with respect to studies of cells from dissociated tissues. We discuss in some detail the controversial B cells with marginal zone distribution that some consider to be archived memory B cells.

We anticipate that more we understand of B cells in tissues and the niches they create, the more opportunities will be identified to harness their potential for therapeutic benefit.
Original languageEnglish
JournalClinical and Experimental Immunology
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 19 Sept 2022


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