Banking on Climate Change: How Finance Actors and Transnational Regulatory Regimes are Responding

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


Banking on Climate Change provides you with a comprehensive, cross-jurisdictional analysis of legislative and policy responses to climate change and the financial crisis in key market economies.

The climate finance field is extremely new. This qualitative study on corporate climate finance spells out the importance of private capital finance and public finance in facilitating the transition to a low-carbon economy. You’ll find a thorough discussion and analysis of the discrete topics of finance and climate change, which will help you in your lending, investing and advising activities.

Megan Bowman draws upon the access she has received to senior bank managers and international workshops to explore the activities of multilateral development banks and specialized climate funds. She also considers the influences of corporate law and corporate governance norms on directors’ decision-making.

She examines the risk/return theory for a range of private finance actors, and explores how business case logic and corporate social responsibility influence financial behaviors. She also looks at the case for Chinese ‘state capital’ for global green investment.

Banking on Climate Change includes personal interviews with senior bank personnel, corporations and non-government organizations in the United States, Europe and Australia. This data will give you a key insight into how and why the banks make their decisions, and will be helpful for legal practitioners, policy-makers and anyone working in other private finance sectors.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAlphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands
PublisherWolters Kluwer
Number of pages288
ISBN (Electronic)9789041152237
ISBN (Print)9789041152237
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2015

Publication series

NameInternational Banking and Finance Law Series (vol. 24)
PublisherWolters Kluwer


  • Banks and banking
  • Climate change
  • International finance
  • Regulation
  • Business enterprises
  • Government policy
  • Financial law
  • Environment
  • Banking law


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