Building a Lane Merge Coordination for ConnectedVehicles Using Deep Reinforcement Learning

Omar Nassef, Luis Sequeira Villarreal, Elias Salam, Toktam Mahmoodi

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This paper presents a data-driven framework fortrajectory recommendation in automated and cooperative driv-ing. The considered cooperative driving manoeuvre is lane-mergecoordination, and while the trajectory recommendation can onlybe communicated to the connected vehicles, in computation ofthose recommendations both connected and unconnected vehiclesare taken into account. The data-driven framework is imple-mented centrally, comprising of two main components of aTrafficOrchestratorandData Fusion. TheTraffic Orchestratorpredictsthe safest trajectories for connected vehicles involved in the lane-merge manoeuvre. TheData Fusionincorporates camera detectedvehicles in order to map all vehicles including connected andunconnected. To this end, the recommendations are built usingvarious state-of-the-art machine learning techniques includingdeep reinforcement learning and dueling deep Q-network. Ourevaluations are conducted using the real-system deployed in thetest track, with a mix of connected and unconnected vehicles.The results demonstrate precision of predicted trajectories, andpercentage of successful lane merge achieved deploying differentmachine learning techniques.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2540 - 2557
JournalIEEE Internet of Things Journal
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2021


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