Calibrating EASY-Care independence scale to improve accuracy

A T Jotheeswaran, Amit Dias, Ian Philp, Vikram Patel, Martin Prince

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BACKGROUND: there is currently limited support for the reliability and validity of the EASY-Care independence scale, with little work carried out in low- or middle-income countries. Therefore, we assessed the internal construct validity and hierarchical and classical scaling properties among frail dependent older people in the community.

OBJECTIVE: we assessed the internal construct validity and hierarchical and classical scaling properties among frail dependent older people in the community.

METHODS: three primary care physicians administered EASY-Care comprehensive geriatric assessment for 150 frail and/or dependent older people in the primary care setting. A Mokken model was applied to investigate hierarchical scaling properties of EASY-Care independence scale, and internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) of the scale was also examined.

RESULTS: we found that EASY-Care independence scale is highly internally consistent and is a strong hierarchical scale, hence providing strong evidence for unidimensionality. However, two items in the scale (unable to use telephone and manage finances) had much lower item Loevinger H coefficients than others. Exclusion of these two items improved the overall internal consistency of the scale.

CONCLUSIONS: the strong performance of the EASY-Care independence scale among community-dwelling frail older people is encouraging. This study confirms that EASY-Care independence scale is highly internally consistent and a strong hierarchical scale.

Original languageEnglish
JournalAge and Ageing
Early online date11 Jul 2016
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 11 Jul 2016


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