Cameos of Compassion: Exploring compassionate care using secondary analysis of digital patients’ stories

Dillane Bebhin, Sara Ryan, Stephen Tee, Anne Marie Rafferty

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Patient stories have been identified as a powerful tool to improve quality of care. is a digital resource presenting patients’ experiences of illness and healthcare. Data have been generated from narrative interviews conducted by experienced researchers, based at the Health Experiences Research Group, University of Oxford. Our project explored the potential use of secondary analysis
of digital sources as a methodological innovation
to develop as a tool for teaching compassion to nursing students. We found that secondary analysis of narrative interviews provides a powerful resource for identifying positive and negative patient experiences for learning and teaching. These can be designed into a digital toolkit and used to develop students’ reflexivity in relation to the values and behaviours associated with compassionate care and practice.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInnovations Health Professions Education
Publication statusPublished - 12 Nov 2018


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