Co-producing Research with Disabled Lay Researchers: Lessons from a Project Exploring Social Workers’ Use of Digital Communication Technologies with Disabled Users of Social Work Services

Sophie Sarre*, Becki Meakin, Luke Geoghegan, Glenn Robert, Charlie Sanders, Roxane Lavanchy, Shani Minogue, Tom Fadden, Molly O'Brien

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


The value of co-produced research is increasingly recognised. This is a case study of a lay conducted, co-produced qualitative research study on the experiences of social workers and Disabled users of their services of using (or not) digital technologies when communicating with each other. We describe the co-production process from inception to dissemination and draw out lessons for future studies. Disabled lay researchers developed interview topic guides, conducted semi-structured interviews with social workers and Disabled users of social work services, analysed the data and led or contributed to study outputs. Several factors contributed to the success of this study. It was co-produced using service user, practitioner and academic knowledge. It is built on existing trusted relationships. Training and support were targeted and relevant, and delivered using a variety of learning methods, including peer support. Disabled lay researchers drew on their lived experiences to develop topic guides and interpret data. The study team was committed to inclusion, capacity building and an assets-based approach, and to carefully managing power relationships. Challenges were the time required to setup the study and to train and support lay researchers, and the bureaucratic and governance systems that were not ideally suited to root and branch co-production.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberbcac248
Pages (from-to)2820-2840
Number of pages21
JournalBritish Journal of Social Work
Issue number5
Early online date18 Jan 2023
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2023


  • Co-production
  • Social Work
  • Disabled people
  • Research methodology


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