Consent in the digital context: The example of oral history interviews in the United Kingdom

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

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Legal and ethical questions about the preservation and use of interviews must be addressed at the outset of any oral history project. Tools such as consent forms, information sheets and copyright agreements help ensure that interviewees' choices are informed and respected, before, during and after recording. This article analyses the tools and methods used in the United Kingdom, and explores some of the ethical implications of the «digital revolution». It argues that whatever the methods employed, documenting consent is both helpful and necessary for the practice of digital oral history.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLa diffusion numérique des données en SHS
Subtitle of host publicationGuide des bonnes pratiques éthiques et juridiques
EditorsVéronique Ginouvès, Isabelle Gras
PublisherPresses Universitaires de Provence
ISBN (Print)9791032001790
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2018

Publication series

NameCollection Digitales


  • oral history
  • interview
  • consent
  • digital methods
  • online dissemination
  • ethics
  • legislation
  • fieldwork
  • archives
  • digital preservation


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