Creating content for Instagram: digital feminist activism and the politics of class

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This article explores some of the classed dynamics of doing digital feminist activism. Based on 30 qualitative in-depth interviews with feminist activists, who are based in Germany and the UK, the article examines the ways in which class background and class inequalities shape feminists’ experiences of being politically active on Instagram. Taking Instagram’s visual focus as a starting point for analysis, the article demonstrates the know-how and editorial skills required to produce visually appealing content. Access to this form of expertise is not equally available, however, and class background affects – though does not determine – who feels confident and at ease in producing visually engaging content. Shifting to a different set of knowledges, the second part of the article homes in on a widely shared sense amongst the activists that they had to know and say the ‘right’ things when taking part in activism online. Self-education was deemed an important feature of doing digital feminist activism, and this article critically explores the classed, but also racialised politics of digital ‘learning cultures’, and the ways in which the apparent requirement ‘to know’ may have exclusionary effects.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberN/A
Pages (from-to)1-27
Number of pages27
JournalAstrolabio.Nueva Época
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 30 May 2023


  • Digital feminism, Instagram, class, self, self-education


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