Creation of a novel donor splice site in intron 1 of the factor VIII gene leads to activation of a 191 bp cryptic exon in two haemophilia A patients

R D Bagnall, N H Waseem, P M Green, B Colvin, C Lee, F Giannelli

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

45 Citations (Scopus)


We have constructed a confidential U.K, database of haemophilia A mutations and pedigrees by characterizing the gene defect of one index patient in each U.K, family. Mutations were identified by screening all coding regions of the factor VIII (FVIII) mRNA, using solid-phase fluorescent chemical cleavage of mismatch and examining additional non-coding regions of the gene. Here we report two haemophilia A patients (UK 114 FVIII:C 2% and UK 243 FVIII:C
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)766 - 771
Number of pages6
JournalBritish Journal of Haematology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1999


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